Chapter 4

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[Todoroki's POV]
She is fine...

Few minutes later...

"Um... Todoroki? Could you let go of me so slowly?"

"Uh yes... sorry! Anyway..." Shouto thought about how to say the next words while scratching the back of his head.

"So... have you heard anything from your parents?"

"Ah I think no...?"

Shouto noticed the nervousness in her voice.

"Yaoyorozu? Are you not feeling well?"

"Uh what do you mean giggle? I just wanted to tell you something! I like your calm manner and your beautiful character! I also find you very pretty and that is what I mean, um, I'm in love with you Todoroki!!" she screamed so the whole neighborhood could hear it.

Wait what?! She... loves me?!  thought Todoroki in shock but he could only smile because of her nervous face.

"Yaoyorozu... you know... before I went to this school I was pretty cold to everyone. I didn't really have friends and I just went to the UA to become number 1 until..." "Until?"

"Until I saw a beautiful sun. Every time I saw this sun, my worries disappeared. I could look at it for hours without getting bored. And that sun were Yaoyorozu, you. I fell in love with you. Would you be my girlfriend?"

[Yaoyorozu's POV]
Yaoyorozu couldn't believe what was happening. She had heard it from him before, but then she was still a cat. She got a huge smile.

"Of course Todoroki!"

"Please call me Shouto."

"Okay Shouto, but only if you call me Momo too!"

"Okay Momo."

She could never be happier than right now. And in this moment she thought of the arrangement that she will marry Shouto.

"Um... Shouto?"


"What did you mean when you asked me if my parents had already told me?"

"Oh that... you'll hear that from them yourself. I'll walk you home." he said, holding out his hand to her.

Momo blushed a little, but took his hand. "Yes!"

While they were walking home, they talked a little about their life, their hobbies and other things.

30 minutes later...

"Thanks Shouto! See you at school on Monday!"

"See you then Momo. I love you."

Momo blushed but just replied "I love you too!"

Just when Shouto wanted to go, the two heard a voice from the house.

"Momo! There you are! Where have you been?! And who is-" It was Momo's mother who called until she saw a white-red-haired boy and recognized him directly. She ran to the two and said.

"You are Shouto Todoroki?" he just nodded and Momo's mother got a smile on her face.

"I understand you're already in such a relationship with my daughter! How nice!" she said as the couple blushed.

"Uhh.. something like that..."

"Anyway, come into the house first. It's already very dark, you should stay here today."

Shouto actually wanted to refuse, but Momo has already grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house and whispered to him "This will be funny Shouto giggle"

Just as they entered the house, a black-haired man came towards them.  When Momo's mother whispered something in his ear, he looked at Shouto and said, "So you're Momo's fiancé? Why do you have such weird hair Tzz?"

Shouto looked at Momo thinking that she would be pretty shocked, but no it was the opposite... she smiled. "Momo did you know anything about it?"

"Uhh no?"

"If you think so, don't you mind?"

"If it's you Shouto, I don't mind, but it shouldn't be until after school, don't you think?"

Shouto's heart stopped when she said that she didn't mind. He smiled and said "Yes, I think so too..."

Shouto turned back to the man and introduced himself  "I'm Shouto Todoroki... Momo's fiancée."

"Hmm... well, he doesn't seem too bad... anyway, I'm Momoi Yaoyorozu, her father. And I only say it like that if you just hurt Momo you will regret it."

"Darling stop, you're scaring him!"

"Hm... I'm just saying... anyway, what is he doing here anyway?"

"He'll be sleeping here today-"

"No he won't."

"Momoi it's too late, he shouldn't be outside at such a time of the day."

"Under one condition!"

"And that would be?" asked the 3 at the same time.

"I don't want to be a grandfather in 1 year!"

"Father!" Momo said, her entire face turning red.

"Darling, he won't even sleep in her room, so stop talking nonsense! And Momo bring Shouto to one of our guest rooms, please." she said as she pulled Momo's father into her bedroom.

"I'm sorry about my father..."

"It's okay... he's really funny.." he laughed a little.

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