The elven guards posted outside of Rivendell nodded to Agarwaen as she entered. It was nice to know that she had not been forgotten since her last visit, twenty five years ago.
"Agarwaen, It's been so long!" An elf shouted happily at the sight of her friend crossing the bridge to the front entrance of Rivendell. It was where Gandalf told her to meet them. The company was supposed to arrive soon, but she didn't quite know how Gandalf would be able to convince a group of dwarves to enter a city of elves.
"Indeed, it seems like forever, Aewenthel." Agarwaen offered a smile as her friend took her hands, and began leading her into the city.
"Eilianion will want to see you." She said with mirth in her eyes. More than usual, that is. "We have news of something that happened while you were away. You had better like it."
"I'm sure I will, but Enthel, I should inform Lord Elrond that I am here first. I've barely even gotten through the front door yet."
"Oh, right. Well, we'll go to the infirmary afterwards then." Agarwaen nodded with a smile. Besides a handful of people elsewhere, the only actual friends she had were from Rivendell. Eawenthel tended the gardens, and Eilianion worked in the infirmary. He was the elf who tended to Agarwaen when she first arrived in Rivendell with several broken bones, a dislocated shoulder, and a few internal injuries. The only thing that couldn't be repaired was her voice.
Her third, and best friend was part of the scouting parties, so she was oftentimes not in Rivendell at all. It seemed that was the case today.
"Lindir," Agarwaen called when she saw said elf.
"Ah, you're back." He said with a small smile. "I was wondering when you'd wander your way back here."
"I won't be staying for long this time, but it's good to see you all again. Do you know where Lord Elrond is? I have yet to inform him of my arrival."
"The last I saw of him, he was in the Library."
"Thank you, Lindir." She nodded before her and Enthel continued on their way.
"Agarwaen, welcome back." Elrond stood up at the sight of her. "You usually send a letter, I'm surprised." The hospitality of Elrond never ceased to amaze her. Even after explaining where she was from, and what she had done, they still offered her sanctuary within the elven city, and promised her a warm bed whenever she felt like returning. It was an act of kindness that held immeasurable value to her.
"It was a little short notice, I apologize." She responded.
"Well, no matter. Your things are still in your room, and as always, you may stay as long as you like."
"Actually, I won't be staying very long. I'm meeting Gandalf here soon, likely tomorrow if he is on schedule. But you know wizards."
"Neither late nor early, arriving exactly when they mean to." He smiled at her reference to the line Gandalf always seemed to use when he was late.
"I just wanted to let you know I was here. Aewenthel says she has something important to show me, so I must take my leave. Thank you again for letting me stay here. Rivendell has become like a home to me."
"You are always welcome here, Agarwaen. It is meant to feel like home." Elrond told her. Ever since she had told them all her story, he found that he admired her courage to stand up for others in times of need despite the consequences. When looking into her future to see if she could be trusted to stay in Rivendell, he saw great things. Lives saved by her hands, bountiful wisdom and strength, even the victory of a battle, but most of all peace where one would think there was none. She did not deserve the cruelty life had given her, so the least he could do was give her a home when she had none.
"Eilianion!" Enthel called into the infirmary.
A blond elf in colorful garb strode around a corner to answer the call.
"What is it, Enthe--" He stopped when he saw the pair. "Why didn't you tell us you were coming back?" He then grinned as he walked toward them.
"It was a little short notice. I'm meeting Gandalf here." Agarwaen responded
"Your voice sounds better than last I saw you." He pointed out. "Maybe there's hope yet."
"I don't think so. It still hurts to talk louder."
"I wish we could've fixed it."
"I'm used to it. It makes me special now. Different from all you organized elves." She joked. "Now what is this news I've been hearing about?"
"You haven't told her yet?" Eilianion asked Enthel.
"I wanted to wait for you to be here too." She grinned.
"Well alright, I'm here, now tell her." Agarwaens eyes flitted between the two in confusion during their exchange. What in the name of Iluvitar was going on?
"We're betrothed!" Enthel blurted out, sporting a massive smile that spread across her entire face. "Please tell me you'll attend the wedding?" Agarwaen was taken aback in shock. Out of all the possible things to happen, she least expected this. It took a few moments to return to her senses, but she managed to squeeze out a response.
"O-oh I.. Of course I'll come. I wouldn't dare miss it even if it was the end of days. I just... was not expecting this. At all." memories of her life back in Mirkwood flooded her head and prompted a painful throbbing to spread over her skull. She forced the memories back and became conscious about making herself appear overjoyed.
"I wasn't either. But one day two years ago, he took me to one of the highest balconies at sunset and asked if he could court me. It was so romantic." Enthel looked up at Eilianion, who smiled down at her.
"We were afraid we wouldn't see you before the ceremony. It will be next year, the last day of laer." Enthel said.
"I will be here then, you have my word." After being in the wilderness for so much of her grown life, partaking in normal events and interactions was almost foreign to Agarwaen, and it felt odd, promising to attend a wedding. She hadn't been to one since she was three hundred years old, four hundred years ago. And it centering around her two closest friends felt even more strange. If they are bound to each other, would she matter anymore?
Realizing her thoughts were becoming muddled, she congratulated them and excused herself, wanting to clear her head, get some well needed rest, and clean herself up.
She drew herself a bath, and finally sat down to relax a bit. What if she wasn't alive to attend the wedding? What if the wedding brought back painful memories? She ducked under the water, dissolving those thoughts, but creating another. What if, if she survived this quest, she came back and stayed? Tried to live a normal life again? Would it even be possible, or is the longing for adventure too strong? Even being a part of an elven army didn't seem to fill the adrenaline rush she craved. Maybe if she pushed the desire down long enough it would go away. Maybe it'd be worth a try.
Her thoughts soon shifted to this insane quest Gandalf roped her into. She hoped he had already convinced the dwarves to let her join them. And even if he had, chances are they won't even listen to her. And if they won't listen, what is the point of even going? At least Gandalf would be there to offer her company, and maybe the hobbit he spoke of would be rather nice too. Or perhaps the path to a dwarves respect is offering them things they treasure. And if they're stopping in Rivendell, chances are they won't be too thrilled with the food on the menu. They are dwarves after all. If anything, Agarwaen knew they had a taste for good meat. Maybe she could smuggle them some, should Elrond invite the party to dinner like he usually does for guests.
She finally climbed out of the now murky water, glad to finally be clean after her travels, and pulled on a maroon embroidered tunic that was hanging in her closet. She set her travel clothes neatly to the side, and laid in the soft bed, waiting for her thoughts to quiet and sleep to overtake her.

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
FanfictionAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...