Bag End

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"We're here. We've made it to the Shire." She said as the Brandywine bridge came into view in the distance as the sun dipped lower in the sky, meaning they had only about three more hours of daylight.

"And it is here I must leave you." Gandalf dismounted his horse, and the other two did the same. Bilbo looked rather sad.

"That's a shame." The hobbit said. "I quite liked having a wizard around."

"As did I." Agarwaen looked at the wizard, a sad smile on her face.

"It seems they bring good luck." The hobbit stepped closer to the wizard.

"You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by just mere luck?" Agarwaen looked at Gandalf, wondering where this was going. "Magic rings should not be used lightly, Bilbo." Bilbo's eyes widened and an expression similar to that of a child that just got caught with his hand in the cookie jar spread across his face. "Don't take me for a fool. I know you found one in the goblin tunnels." The wizard continued as Bilbo tried to get a word out. "And I've kept my eye on you ever since."

"Did you tell him?" Bilbo asked Agarwaen, still slightly shocked.

"I most certainly did not. In fact, I do believe he knew long before I ever did." Agarwaen replied.

"You know about it?" Gandalf asked.

"On accident. When you see someone disappear before your very eyes, you tend to want answers." She smiled at Bilbo, and a moment of silence passed between them.

"Well...I suppose this is goodbye then." Bilbo spoke up. "Farewell, Gandalf." He stuck out his hand.

"Farewell." Gandalf shook his hand.

"Galo Anor erin râd lîn." Agarwaen bowed. "Until we meet again."

"I will try and make it soon, my dear." Gandalf nodded with a smile. Agarwaen then began to follow Bilbo away, towards the bridge.

"You, uh, you needn't worry about that ring." Bilbo turned back towards Gandalf. "It fell out of my pocket during the battle." Agarwaen narrowed her eyes with a smile. "I lost it."

"You're a very fine person, Mr. Baggins, and I'm very fond of you. But you're only quite a little fellow in a wide world, after all." Gandalf replied before turning back to the horses.

"You're a terrible liar." Agarwaen whispered.

"Was it that bad?" He asked, slightly offended.

"Painfully bad." She smiled down at him. "Keep it safe and don't let anyone find out about it, Bilbo."

"I know. I won't." Agarwaen nodded, and they continued on still.

"This trip just gets lonelier and lonelier." Bilbo sighed. The sun was setting now as they trekked through what Bilbo said was East Farthing. They'd passed Whitfurrows a little while ago, where every hobbit they passed just stared at the pair, unbelieving of what they saw. An elf in the Shire was indeed a rare sight.

"That it does, Bilbo. But know that I will stay for however long you wish."

"Thank you, Agar. For everything." He said. "'re a wonderful person and I am honored to have been able to travel with you."

"Oh, enough of that." She waved him off. "I'm just me." Silence fell between them again for but a moment. "You're a very brave hobbit. One who I will never forget. I don't think I could find another even similar to you in a million years, Bilbo. Thank you for being my friend."

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