A Warrior's Heart

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"I wish we could take the other road for your sake, but we are running out of time." Thorin said, bringing up the argument they'd had the other day.

"I know. It's just...I'm not just an outsider, I'm a criminal. When I left, I was a member of the guard so now I am a deserter. I face up to a few hundred years in prison should they capture me."

"We won't let that happen, and even if it did, once I am king under the mountain, I can negotiate the terms of your release."

"And if we're all caught and don't make it to the mountain by Durin's day?"

"We will break out if we are caught. You know those halls, yes?"

"Yes. And because I know the halls, I know we cannot break out. The keys to the dungeon are kept on the guards, the bars unbreakable, even to dwarf standards. There is no way to escape."

"Then we won't get caught in the first place." Agarwaen shook her head. He thought everything was so simple, when really it was not. "If they do stumble upon us..." He started, his tone softer now. "What would you have us do?" Killing elves was something he once thought nothing of, but with her now among his company, things were different.

"You're the leader of the group. That's for you to decide." She felt herself begin to shut down at the thought of a question similar to the one that has ruined her life. If she were to surrender to them and doom the dwarves and their quest, the enemy could gain control of the mountain. And if she were to fight back in order to do what's right, she would have to kill the elves. Elves that she probably knew and was friends with. It was the worst night of her life all over again.

"They are your kin, and I am giving you the right to decide."

"I don't know. We can't fail this quest, but...chances are I will know the elves. I had many friends in the guard."

"I understand. I do not know that I would be able to choose if it were my kin." Thorin nodded.

"You use that term so loosely, kin." Agarwaen said. To her, it meant mother, father, brother, aunt, grandmother, or son.

"What do you mean?" Thorin was raised with the notion that everyone who was close to him or shared similar blood was considered kin.

"The elves are my friends, yes, but I would not call them kin like I would my mother or grandmother.

"I suppose it is a bit different to dwarves, then. Though some of them are not related by blood, every dwarf here is my kin. We fight together and for each other. We are brothers and sisters in arms, as is every other dwarf from the Blue Mountains to the Iron Hills."

"And you don't fear that any of them will turn on you?"

"Something about dwarves, you must understand, is our loyalty. We are raised in it, taught of it, and live by it. To neglect your loyalty is...It's treated like murder."

"Then why, even after I came back to help you, did you accept me into your company?" Agarwaen, upon hearing this was surprised. Surely him accepting her like he did was in direct disagreement with what his people believed.

"You are a brave and honorable warrior who would give your life to save ours. That is something that dwarves value greatly. I would readily vouch for your honor to any dwarf who looks to you as an enemy." He spoke the truth, and knew that her desire to do the right thing no matter the cost would bring her to greatness. He hoped that she would remain a powerful ally to Erebor even after the quest.

"Thank you. And I, you to any elves who will listen." Thorin nodded and thanked her.

The dwarves around them began to lie down to sleep, along with Bilbo who had already been snoring for a while now. She silently stood up and as she passed Dwalin, told him to wake her in two hours.

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