The next day went by similar to the last, except for Bilbo deciding to walk with Agarwaen in the front. Matching his pace seemed to keep her from getting too far ahead of the dwarves, so his company was useful in addition to being appreciated. She'd never really traveled with anyone besides Gandalf, but with Bilbo, it felt like a nice change. Kili eventually decided to join the two up front as well, but was soon called back by Thorin. He did not come back after that.
Agarwaen had lost hope when it came to befriending the dwarves. At this point, she just needed to get them to Erebor before Durin's day so the orcs could not claim it themselves. Something actually rested on her shoulders now, Gandalf was counting on her. She would not disappoint.
That night, they stopped just as the area was becoming mountainous. She figured they'd spend another night here before doing some actual hiking in the mountains. After that came the dangerous mountain pass, and then they'd head for the forest. From there, they'd take the old forest road. The end of it was covered in marshes, but she knew the way across well enough.
"Here, Bombur made soup tonight." Bilbo sat down next to Agarwaen, a wooden bowl in each hand.
"I don't think that's for me."
"You're right, it's mine. It's my second helping, eat it."
"You don't have to do that. I know both dinner and supper are important to hobbits."
"All you've been snacking on is that elven bread stuff from your pack. Surely you need more than that." Agarwaen laughed.
"You mean my lembas bread? It lasts me quite some time. I think you would like it too, actually. One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a man." She pulled one of the squares wrapped in a leaf.
"One bite?"
"Only one, yes." She smiled and broke off a piece for Bilbo. He took it and ate it.
"Not bad. A little crumbly. When do you feel full?"
"Give it a minute to settle, you'll be surprised."
"Do you always travel with this bread?" He asked.
"No, it's a pleasure I have only for a month or so after leaving Rivendell. I still have no clue how it's made. It's made especially for those who are either extremely ill or who will be travelling in the wilds for some time."
"Hey Agarwaen," Kili said as he walked over. "I brought you some--oh. Bilbo already got you some soup?"
"Does everyone think that bringing me soup is going to give me the ability to grant wishes or something?" She asked, not used to being offered provisions.
"N-no, I just thought it would be nice..." Her expression softened as she realized what she'd said.
"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. Thank you, Kili, but I'm quite alright with what I have already. You can sit and stay if you'd like. I was just telling Bilbo about lembas bread." Kili nervously glanced back at the camp before taking a seat next to Bilbo.
"What's lembas bread?" He asked.
"It's a special bread from the elves that fills you with only one bite." Bilbo explained. "I'm already beginning to feel quite full." He smiled wondrously. Agarwaen smiled back.
"Is it enchanted or something?" Kili asked, now curious.
"I don't think so. I couldn't begin to explain it even if I tried. Do you want to try some?" She held out the bread. He looked at the pale tasteless-looking pastry and politely declined. Silence filled the air as the three watched the fire before them burn. Kili kept glancing behind him periodically, and it was beginning to grow annoying.
"Thorin told you not to talk to me, didn't he?" She asked.
"How did you.."
"It's fairly obvious." She smiled, happy that Kili still came over here despite being yelled at by his uncle. "You don't have to get in trouble for me, you know."
"Maybe I want to." He smirked. She shook her head with a small smile.
"It would not be wise, and besides, you're a little short for me, gwein cadhad."
"Well I'll have you know that I am in fact quite tall for a dwarf. And what did you call me?"
"I am aware." Her smile widened. "Gwein cadhad. It means dwarven child." Kili acted offended.
"I am not a child."
"To me you are. I'd like to see you try to convince me otherwise." It felt nice to be able to joke with someone again. Bilbo just stared at his soup in the background.
"He is to everyone, don't worry." Fili grinned as he approached the group. "Just thought I'd come by and join my baby brother over here." He emphasized 'baby'.
"Shut up." Kili shoved him, earning a laugh from his brother.
"Thorin asked me to come and pull you back by the ear. I'm interested to see what happens when I don't, honestly." The blond smiled. "Is this better, master Boggins?"
"B-better?" Bilbo asked, not sure what he was talking about.
"Us, making our lovely elven lady feel more welcome?" Agarwaen turned to stare at Bilbo who nearly dropped the bowl of soup in his hands.
"Bilbo, you told them to do this?" She felt slightly saddened that the brothers didn't visit her on their own accord.
"All I said was to be a little more polite..." He admitted.
"You didn't have to come talk to me, really. You should probably leave before your uncle skins you both."
"It's too late to avoid that now." Fili laughed. "And besides, Bilbo was right. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to stay all the way out here."
"If I even tried to set foot inside your camp, I'm pretty sure Dwalin would kick me all the way back here with one swing of his mighty boot." She said, earning chuckles from the dwarves.
"Not if uncle gets there first." Agarwaen began to feel just slightly more accepted. Even though it was a small difference, it was a comforting difference. Thorin however, fumed at this.
"Kili and his obsession with elves." The king grumbled angrily. "First he chooses a bow, then oggles the women in Rivendell, and now sits there joking with the elf as if she was kin. And worst of all, now he's dragged Fili into this!" He looked to Dwalin for support. "What can I do, Dwalin?" Before Dwalin could answer, Balin stepped in.
"Is it so illogical to assume that maybe she's just nice? Bilbo seems rather fond of her as well."
"She's an elf. I would've thought you'd at least stand with me on this."
"What is there to stand with you on? She's done nothing to wrong us." Thorin sighed and grumbled more under his breath. "Thank Mahal she's leaving as soon as we get there. Maybe then we can have some peace."
"I'll wager she can't even handle herself in heavy battle either. Against a bear in the wilds, sure. But if we come across another orc pack, she'll be good as dead." Dwalin added.
"Then it will be one less problem for us to worry about." Thorin crossed his arms as he sat down by the fire, his eyes never leaving his traitorous nephews.

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
FanfictionAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...