The Beginning of the End

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"Where's Agarwaen?" Fili asked as the dwarves gathered in front of the gate before the sun had risen.

"She...she left." Dwalin told him.

"What? Why? She would never just leave us!" Kili wasn't sure what to think. Dwalin looked around for any sign of Thorin before lowering his voice. "Thorin banished her." He whispered to the company, earning confused mumbles and questions. "She tried to stand up to him, and he attacked her." The confused mumbles turned to ones of rage.

"Did he hurt her?" Gloin fumed. Dwalin refused to answer.

"Is she alright?" Bofur asked.

"Aye, it was just a cut. She's alive but...I don't think we'll be seeing her again."

"I would hope not." Thorin's voice startled them. "Because if we do, she will never live to see another sunrise again."

"You can't be serious!" Fili shouted.

"I am. She was a traitor. Once you learn to look past your...attachment to her, you will see it as well. My eyes were opened. She's been deceiving us all along, only joining us so she could take the Arkenstone for herself." Thorin started up toward the ramparts.

"She never wanted riches. What would she do with the Arkenstone?" Balin asked.

"I do not know her motive, but she said it herself. If she were to find the Arkenstone, she would not give it to me." Balin sighed, knowing exactly why she wouldn't. Kili kicked a stone left over from building the wall in anger.

"This isn't right. She was our friend. She pledged her loyalty to us!" The prince yelled.

"Did you not hear me? I said she was a traitor!"

As dawn broke to the east, the elven army with Bard's men in the middle, marched upon the mountain. Gandalf and Agarwaen walked together at the front of the gathering of men, and upon reaching the foot of the mountain, the ranks stopped, letting Bard on his horse and Thranduil on his elk through to the front where they continued on. Thorin and the company stood atop the ramparts in their armor, brandishing their weapons. Seeing this scene from outside the mountain made Agarwaen feel like there was a gaping hole in her chest. She was supposed to be up there beside them.

As long as the ransom for the Arkenstone was paid, everything should play out just fine, and they'll be ready for the army from Dol Guldur. No dwarf would have to die by elven hands, and no elf by dwarven hands.

Thorin fired an arrow at Thranduil's elk's feet, causing him and Bard to stop.

"I'll put the next one between your eyes!" He yelled and the company cheered. The elven archers in the frontal rank notched their arrows, and the company ducked below the rampart wall, but Thorin remained standing with another arrow drawn back. After a pause, Thranduil gave the signal for the archers to stand down.

"We have come to tell you, payment of your debt has been offered. And accepted." Thranduil called.

"What payment?" Thorin asked. "I gave you nothing. You have nothing."

"We have this." Bard held up the Arkenstone, and Thorin withdrew his still notched arrow.

"Thieves!" She heard Kili shout. "How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king!"

Upon wondering how the man obtained his treasure, Thorin could think of only one way.

"The king may have it. And our good will." Bard smiled and put the stone back into his pocket. "But first, he must honor his word."

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