Agarwaen was walking through the halls of Rivendell to try and find Bilbo, when she heard her name called from behind her. Turning around, a smile graced her features as another elf, this one with dark brown hair, ran toward her.
"Moriel!" Agarwaen said happily, placing her fist on her chest with a bow in an elvish greeting. Moriel, however, had other plans. She wrapped Agarwaen in a tight embrace, having missed her friend greatly.
Moriel was her best friend and a member of the scouting parties. In fact, it was her group that had first found Agarwaen near the mountains. Moriel worried for Agarwaen during the time she spent recovering, and the two became fast friends after that.
"I missed you!" Moriel said, slightly upset when she pulled away from the embrace. "I came back home one day, and was told that you'd visited a week ago! You couldn't wait for me to come back?"
"Unfortunately no, I couldn't. I'm sorry, Mori." Agarwaen said sadly. Moriel looked her over, eyes squinted.
"I have a whole list of things to complain to you about, and that scar on your face just added to it." She frowned.
"That scar just happens to be at the end of a very long story."
"I'm quite sure I have time." Moriel raised an eyebrow, and Agarwaen laughed.
"Let's go sit in the gardens. Maybe we'll find Bilbo there too."
"He's a hobbit that has been travelling with me."
"That's another thing," Moriel began as they headed toward the gardens. "I was also told you'd left with a hobbit and a bunch of dwarves!"
"Yes, I did."
"Why on Arda would you travel with dwarves?"
"I would watch what you say, dear friend. I have come to love those dwarves you speak of very much, actually." Moriel's eyebrows knit together in confusion.
'What do you mean you love them very much? They're dwarves! Didn't they try to kill you at all?"
"Yes, several times actually." Agarwaen laughed at the look Moriel gave her. "I'll explain everything."
"I understand that there was a war for the Lonely Mountain. You didn't have anything to do with that, did you?"
"I was on the front lines." Moriel clenched her jaw.
"Why? You could've been killed!" Agarwaen shook her head.
"Just wait for me to tell you everything from the beginning." The two then found a spot at a small stone table, and it took over two hours to fully explain everything, due to Moriel interrupting rather frequently.
"I feel like you're leaving something out." Moriel said when Agarwaen finally finished. "Why would Thorin give you so many things and ask you to come back to stay? His people wouldn't agree with him about that, would they?"
"Dwarves hate us with a passion, Agar. I find it hard to believe that they all care for you as much as you say they do."
"These beads say otherwise." Agarwaen poked the ends of the braids that fell over her shoulder and ended halfway down her chest.
"You never did tell me what they say."
"This one says Moonlit Warrior and this one says Lady of Mithril." Moriel just looked at Agarwaen suspiciously.
"That's awfully specific."

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
FanfictionAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...