"Gandalf!" Agarwaen called. The two men turned around at the call.
"Gandalf, can I speak to you for a moment?" She asked with a look of concern.
"Of course, my dear." He turned to Elrond. "Excuse us for a moment." He then walked toward her, leaving Bilbo on the balcony with Lord Elrond.
"Gandalf, what is this about trolls coming down from the mountains and Radagast needing to speak with you?" She asked in a hushed tone.
"Something is happening. A blade that should not ever have seen the light of day again has resurfaced. I am counting on you to get Thorin to the mountain as quickly as possible, Agarwaen."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that I will meet you in the mountains. There will likely be a council tonight, and Elrond will not let us just go and disturb the peace on middle earth."
"A council? He is that keen on stopping us?"
"By the Valar, Gandalf, what is going on?"
"You really cannot move on without details, can you? The blade Radagast found was one of nine. Belonging to one of nine men."
"You...you mean the three elves, seven dwarves, nine men, one...one..."
"Yes. Keep your voice low. Someone or something is bringing the nine men back, a necromancer. If such evil is resurfacing, we cannot afford to let the mountain stay vacant for much longer. We will get the map read by Lord Elrond tonight, after which I will do my part in distracting Elrond while you all sneak out. Thorin considering your services are no longer an option, for I fear the worst if they cannot make it in time."
"Understood. I will not fail you. You said you would meet us in the mountains?"
"Unless something unexpected happens, yes. Stay away from the goblins, and I know it's not the safest path, but take the fastest one."
"But Gandalf, the stone giants..."
"I know it will be a difficult path for you, but I believe you can get them through it in one piece."
"You put far too much trust in me, Gandalf. I can't even imagine trusting myself that much. And what if Thorin still refuses my help? I can't think we would tell him of this?"
"No. Do not utter a word of this to any of them. He will not refuse your aid. I will make sure of it."
The sun had set, and Agarwaen had asked around to find the location of the dwarven company. She knew Elrond, Gandalf, and Thorin were discussing a map written in the ancient dwarven runes elsewhere, but the rest of the company should be nearby somewhere.
After being told they had started a campfire on the northern balconies by a horrified elf, she gathered some meat she had hunted recently from the kitchens, and headed their way.
"I told you the elf was lyin' about the meat. Wouldn't she have brought it around already?" Nori said in an 'I told you so' tone.
"Maybe she just hasn't found us yet?" Kili suggested.
"We've been terrorizing these twigs ever since we got here. Everyone knows where we are." Dwalin said with a smug grin as he threw another piece of furniture into the fire.
"Indeed. Everyone I asked seemed horrified to tell me where to find you." Agarwaen's voice caused the dwarves' laugher to die down. "I bring you gifts." She set the large platter piled high with venison and pork on a table. "Good to see you already have a means to cook it." After getting over their initial shock at her sudden appearance, they all jumped up and ransacked everything on the platter within seconds. Soon, all of them were huddled around the fire, cooking their dinner. None of them said a word to her. Angry thoughts of dwarven greed flooded her mind, and she was about to leave, when Kili spoke up.
"Thank you, miss." He said after taking a bite of a sausage.
"Of course. After my travels, I do enjoy a full stomach as well. I figured you all would appreciate it." His late words did little to cool her boiling blood.
"So, has Thorin given you an answer yet?" Bofur asked.
"No, but chances are you'll be stuck with me. I'm just sorry that our racial differences pose such an issue."
"Tell me lass, if you really do know these lands, how long have you been traveling the wilds?" Gloin asked, wanting to shoot her down by saying they've traveled more than she has.
"Two hundred and seventy years." Bofur nearly choked on his wine.
"Guess we can't compete with that, now can we, lads?" He said, a little impressed.
"Since we have a long road ahead, I will clear things up with those of you who plan to despise the sight of me everyday. You need not talk to me or be near me if that is what you wish, I will take no offence." The dwarves mumbled and conversed among themselves.
"We'll just see what Thorin says first before we plan on anything." Dwalin said, positive that Thorin would still say no against Gandalf's wishes.
"Alright. If I am not to accompany you, then I wish you well on your journey, and still extend to you an offer of my services should you ever require them in the future. Goodnight." Agarwaen turned on her heel and left the balcony area. She wanted to remain fair to them, but couldn't bring herself to stand there and be subject to their glares and attempts to convince her not to come any longer. Some of them seemed nice enough, but they were still stubborn dwarves. Needing to get some frustration out, she headed to the armory to practice with her sword, when she ran into Thorin, Bilbo, and Balin.
"You, elf, we must speak." Thorin said to her. She did her best not to show signs of annoyance, and nodded. "You two go on ahead, I will catch up." Thorin said to the other two, who continued walking. Bilbo offered her a reassuring smile as he passed. He was her favorite.
"What is it?" She asked.
"You said you can get us to the mountain fast. Can you get us there by Durins day? The last day of Autumn?"
"Yes, I can."
"Then you will be joining us, but do not think this makes you a member of the company. I do not know what the wizard has promised you, but he is the one who has hired you, it is his responsibility to pay for your services. We leave right before the sun rises at the western gate. Do not be late." And with that, he continued on his way. There goes her handsome sum Gandalf said she was supposed to get. She wasn't even sure if 1/15th of the plunder would be enough to put up with being treated like dirt. Now she was working for free. It took every ounce of self control she had to not punch the wall right then and there. She took a deep breath and continued to the armory.
After an hour of drills, she decided that she needed to get at least some sleep in, and went back to her room. Nervous to miss the time, she didn't sleep well and was constantly awoken every few minutes. She eventually gave up on sleep, and instead double checked her supplies for the journey. Before long, the color of the sky to the east began to lighten, so she made her way to the western gate. It would lead them out of the valley in the direction of the mountains.
She waited at the gate for a few minutes, beginning to wonder if she had in fact missed them, when the sound of heavy leather boots filled her ears. They were trying to be quiet, but she found that it was something dwarves were simply not capable of. She noticed a few of their faces fall upon seeing her, and Dwalin stopped to ask Thorin a question, no doubt about her. Thorin nodded, and a scowl settled upon Dwalin's face. Bilbo saw her and waved, and the two younger brothers gave her forced smiles.
"Well, elf, lead on." Thorin said, his face holding no emotion whatsoever. And so the crucial quest began.

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
FanfictionAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...