"No, no, stay with me." Thorin begged as he did his best to carry Agarwaen down from Ravenhill, with Kili and Bilbo in front of him, and Dwalin carrying Fili behind him.
"If I don't wake up..." Agarwaen began, her vision already fading, "I want you to know that I wish...I wish we could have worked." Her voice was quiet enough that only he could hear her. "Le i velethron e-guil nîn."
"You're not going to sleep to begin with." He shifted his grip to keep her feet from dragging on the ground, still surprised at just how light elves actually were. She smiled slightly at him, wanting his face to be the last thing she saw, before finally losing consciousness.
"Men gorach." He muttered. "Wake up!" Her head just rolled back, prompting him to pick up the pace.
"Someone, help, please!" Thorin shouted as they approached the makeshift tents that were being set up right outside of Dale. Bloody bodies were being brought in at a steady pace, both conscious and unconscious. The elves could barely spare him a glance, as they were already busy tending to other patients on the brink of death.
They were eventually ushered toward the dwarven tents, brought by healers from the Iron Hills. The elves offered to take Agarwaen, but Thorin didn't want to let her out of his sight, lest Thranduil get any ideas.
Being the king, Thorin was given his own private tent with his nephews in the next one over, but he insisted that Agarwaen share his tent despite the opposing opinion of the dwarven healers. Gandalf soon found out where they were, along with the rest of the very much alive company.
Oin declared that both Agarwaen and Fili required elvish medicine, and left in search of any elf that could help.
The rest of the company, unable to do anything more, eventually left to help where they could, leaving Thorin, Agarwaen, and a dwarven healer alone. The healer began cleaning Thorin up, wrapping and tending to what he could.
"Thorin?" Dain's voice came from outside the tent before the dwarf pushed the fabric aside and stepped in. "You're alive." He said with a smile, before his face fell. "What is an elf doing in your tent?" Thorin looked to the healer.
"Leave us." The dwarf nodded, taking his things and leaving to tend to someone else. "She's my friend. She saved my life."
"Your friend? She's an elf!" Dain looked at her in disgust.
"She's part of my company." Thorin sat up on his cot with a grimace. "She has been since summer."
"Have you lost your mind, cousin?"
"That has a complicated answer." He stood up. "But I want her treated like any dwarven war hero. She's more than deserving of that title."
"I've brought an elf!" Oin came barreling into the tent, a brunette elf in tow. Dain just stood there, questioning everything with a look of mild outrage.
The elf immediately set to work on Agarwaen with herbs and muttered spells. Thorin and Oin watched hopefully, while Dain considered just leaving.
"She will live." The elf stood, finished with her treatment. "But...what of her sentence, my lord? If I may ask?" The elf asked.
"You may not. Is my nephew being tended to?"
"Then you are dismissed. Thank you." Thorin said genuinely. The elf nodded and left with Oin. Dain looked back to Thorin, at a loss for words.
"It's a bit much, I know." Thorin rubbed his forehead lightly.
"A bit much?" Dain repeated with raised eyebrows. "What happened to you?"

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
FanfictionAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...