The Worst Is Just Beginning

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One by one, the eagles dropped the company off on the high rock known as the Carrock. Thorin was laid gently on the ground, and everyone quickly rushed to his side.

"Thank you." Agarwaen said to the bird that had carried her. It screeched in reply, and flew away. When she reached Thorin, Gandalf was bent over, a hand over Thorin's face, uttering a spell. The dwarf seemed to have the life forced back into him, as his eyes flew open and he looked around. He asked for Bilbo, to which Gandalf responded and told him that the hobbit was alright. Thorin then stood with the help of Dwalin and Kili.

"You," He said rather harshly to Bilbo, who's relieved smile quickly fell. Agarwaen feared the worst when he continued on, "What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed. Did I not say that you would be a burden?" Thorin began stalking toward Bilbo. She made a move to step in and defend the hobbit, but Gandalf blocked her with his staff. "That you would not survive in the wild, that you had no place amongst us?" She was confused by his words. Bilbo fought honorably and courageously. He deserved mountains of respect for his actions. "I have never been so wrong in all my life." Thorin said as he pulled Bilbo into a hug. Agarwaen's shoulders dropped in relief, and she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, smiling faintly as the other dwarves grinned and cheered.

"I am sorry I doubted you." Thorin added.

"No, I would have doubted me too." Bilbo said. "I'm not a hero, or a warrior," He looked over to the elf, "Or a wanderer. Not even a burglar." However, Agarwaen thought differently. His bravery made him a hero to her. It made him a warrior in his own way, and any hobbit brave enough to leave the comforts of home behind is a wanderer too.

The eagles, who had been lingering around them, finally took off across the sky, bringing the company's attention to what lay in the distance.

"Erebor." Gandalf spoke. "The lonely mountain; the last of the great dwarf kingdoms of middle earth." Agarwaen looked on, and even though having seen it several times, she felt the sense of memories and longing that hovered around the dwarves.

"Our home." Thorin said proudly. They then spotted a thrush fly by, toward the mountain, taking it as a good omen.

"I do believe the worst is behind us." Bilbo said, and Agarwaen did not have the heart to tell him otherwise. It was only beginning, and they had no idea of the dangers they faced ahead. She pushed the thought away, and just wanted to be happy in this moment. They were halfway there.

The group then began descending down the stairs that wrapped around the carrock, Agarwaen in the middle of the group this time, Thorin in the back. Once the stairs had disappeared and there was just a narrow path to follow, she heard her name called.

"Agarwaen." It was Thorin, who used her name for the first time since they met. It surprised her a little, but she approached the king nevertheless. The rest of the company moved on, per his orders as well.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry." He began, in a nicer tone she'd rarely ever heard before. "For how we've been treating you, and for leaving you behind in the mountains. You still came back and jumped in after us, and you were willing to die down there to buy us time. We have not been fair to you, and for that I apologize." Although she anticipated those words when he first called her over, she still was a little shocked. Never did she ever think that he would apologize to her.

"Thank you, Thorin." She said, quite unsure of what to say.

"I feel like I must ask, though, why did you come back? You could have left the mountains and been rid of us. Bilbo's reasoning is one thing, but I am curious to hear yours." What was she supposed to tell him? That this quest was merely a strategy for war? That she cared not for the dwarves reclaiming their home? She never did care about that side of the quest. At least she didn't think so. When she pulled herself up the mountain, it was because there was a greater purpose. When she refused to abandon them, it was for the greater purpose. But what about in the tunnels where she was willing to die first instead of the youngest dwarf like the goblin king intended? That was not for the greater purpose. So then what was it for?

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