Slowly, the world began coming back together around Agarwaen. Her feet dragged on the ground as she was forced along. Lifting her head up, she saw Fili struggling ahead of her as Azog pulled him by the collar of his shirt.
"Fili..." She mumbled, and the dwarf looked to her, realizing she was beginning to come back.
Daylight hit her like a ton of bricks as they approached a collapsed opening in the tower, overlooking the frozen waterfall. She squinted and looked down to where Thorin, Dwalin, and Bilbo watched in horror as Azog lifted Fili into the air. What was Bilbo doing there? The new question prompted her thoughts to run faster, and what exactly was happening came flooding back. She turned her gaze to the orc who held her by her wrists while she was on her knees before him, facing the outside, and pulled frantically, but his grip didn't let up.
"This one dies first." Azog spoke in black speech. "Then the brother. Then you, Oakenshield. You will die last, but not before your little elven whore too." He pointed to where Agarwaen sat.
"No!" She cried, rolling on her back and kicking the orc that held her away. Before any of them could even blink, she was on her feet, and leapt for Fili, tearing him from Azog's grasp, sending them both plummeting down to the ground below. Thinking quickly, she positioned herself beneath Fili as they fell, knowing that he wasn't likely to survive unless she broke his fall. She knew this would truly be her end, but she made a promise to Thorin, and by the might of Iluvatar, she would keep it.
Fili however, caught on mid-fall, and shoved her out from under him, refusing to kill her like that. Before she could react and get back under him, they both hit the ground hard, and she instinctively rolled to break the fall as only an elf could. Fili tried to break it, but landed on his side with a sickening crunch.
"Fili!" She wheezed out and scooted over to his side. She rolled him onto his back, and he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. But he was still alive.
"You stupid dwarf!" She cried with a smile, overjoyed that he was alive, but worried for him now that his right arm and several of his ribs were broken, likely along with many other things. He tried to speak but had no breath.
Agarwaen then looked up to see Kili, anger written all over his face before he bolted out from behind them, and headed for the stairs.
"Kili no!" She called after him, stumbling to her feet, ready to follow after him, but realized that someone needed to stay with Fili and protect him. She returned to the prince's side, constantly on high alert for any orcs that decided to come finish him off.
"Why did you push me out of the way?" She asked.
"I...couldn't let you...die." He wheezed out.
"You could have died! You're heir to the throne, Fili, have you forgotten that?"
"I couldn't...couldn't live with m-myself if you break my fall."
"I was perfectly fine dying to save you." She shook her head. "I promised your uncle I wouldn't let anything happen to you." It was then that she noticed Thorin run past them, following after Kili. Blonde hair caught the king's eyes, and he spared a glance in their direction, immediately stopping when he saw Fili on the ground.
"He's alive." Agarwaen yelled over to Thorin. "Go find Kili!" The dwarf nodded and continued up the stairs, immensely relieved to know that neither of them died from the fall. It wasn't too much later when about a dozen orcs rushed down the stairs, looking for the escaped prince and elf.
"Come at me, you bastards." Agarwaen challenged, standing between them and Fili with her daggers, her sword missing somewhere in the towers. They chortled at the challenge, drawing their weapons. She charged them, dodging their blows and taking them down just like in Dale, making sure absolutely none of them came too close to Fili. The ruckus brought the attention of more orcs, who came running to assist their allies in the fight.

Bloodstained (Thorin x OC)
ФанфикAfter wandering Middle Earth for almost three centuries, Agarwaen, an elven outcast, gets roped into accompanying a dwarven company on a quest to reclaim their homeland, during which she must face her painful past. Will it end in more death, or will...