Orcs and Wargs and Eagles, Oh My!

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Trees whizzed by as the company bolted, trying to put as much space in between them and the orcs. Not wanting anyone to fall behind, Agarwaen stuck to the back of the group, keeping watch over her shoulder for the wargs that were undoubtedly headed their way.

She stumbled on the still rocky terrain once or twice, but never completely fell. The wargs were quickly gaining on them, and soon were amidst the company. Agarwaen leapt on top of one, distracting it from trying to bite Balin, and shoved her sword into its head. Its body slid down the hill, with her on top, and as another one came up beside her, she jumped to that one and slit its throat. This time, the body flew upside down, and threw her a good number of feet, hitting the rocky ground fairly hard. She pushed the pain away and ran toward Bilbo, who was dangerously close to another warg. Before she could get there, the creature charged him, and ran into Bilbo's little blade, impaling it's own head. Taking that as a sign he was quite alright, she took to fighting off another one that leapt down the slope.

"Up into the trees, all of you!" Gandalf called. She wondered why he would say something like that, before realizing that they all stood on the edge of a massive cliff. They were trapped. She jumped up into the tree nearest to her, and realized with horror that Bilbo was still on the ground, looking around confusedly before finally realizing where everyone was. She jumped down to the lowest branch and pulled the hobbit up by the shoulders of his coat. She groaned at the weight, as was thankful he then grabbed onto a branch himself and began climbing up beside her.

The wargs gathered at the base of each tree, but didn't make a move to attack yet, like trained dogs waiting for a signal from their master. Down on the hill they had just run down, stood a white warg, carrying on his back an orc, who Agarwaen assumed to be Azog the Defiler. He began speaking in the orcish tongue, which she understood every word of. He taunted Thorin, speaking of how he killed his father. She couldn't see Thorin from where she stood in the tree, and could only hope that the king wouldn't try to do anything brash. Getting out of this mess would have to be a team effort, and there was no room for debate about that.

Azog then gave the orders to his wargs: Kill them all, but leave Thorin for him. The beasts instantly responded, jumping at the trees, snapping at anything they could sink their teeth into. Agarwaen pushed Bilbo higher into the tree, and took her bow from where it rested on her back. She had five arrows left, and had every intention of making them count. The tree shook as the wargs clawed at it, but it wasn't the ones attacking her that she had her eyes on. One had made it to a higher branch on the tree next to hers, and was dangerously close to reaching Bombur, so she sent an arrow through its skull. She did this with three others at other trees, and when one got high enough on her tree, she sliced into its head with one of her daggers. It whined and fell, but came back to attack them again.

Agarwaen wobbled and struggled to hold her balance when the tree began to tip, it's roots ripping up the ground below.

"Bilbo, jump!" She cried as their tree fell into another. They leapt into the branches of the next tree, which came down upon another, and another. As the second to last tree fell, everyone struggled to reach another branch in time. Agarwaen, who had made it over easily saw someone slipping and grabbed them. She pulled Bifur up onto her branch with a groan, and helped him get up higher. All sixteen of their group now held on at various heights in the tree, which stood at the very edge of the cliff. Agarwaen looked down nervously, praying that this tree would magically stay standing.

A barrage of fireballs then rained down from the tree above her, and she was soon handed a flaming pine cone from Kili. She quickly thanked Iluvitar for Gandalf and lit more pine cones, tossing them down, creating a burning barrier of flames around the tree.

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