Spiders and Elves

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The next day, the group trudged on, starving and stumbling as they went. They'd abandoned the idea of finding the path again, and instead just headed east, toward the end of the forest.

"How are you holding up, Bilbo?" Agarwaen asked the hobbit, who had been looking a little pale lately.

"As well as I can I suppose." He sighed. "My stomach feels like a shriveled up raisin, and I haven't got an ounce of water in my body."

"I'm sorry I got us lost. We might've been out of here already if I hadn't."

"And the last time you thought that, you were a shaking mess in the ground. It's okay, it's not your fault, it's this...this forest. It's got us all confused and exhausted."

"Do you wish you hadn't gotten roped into this?"

"Well...see, that's a tricky one. This is the greatest adventure a hobbit has ever been on, and though it may be dangerous and I could very well die...well, I think I'm glad I'm here. I think." Agarwaen smiled and shook her head.

"A true adventurer, you are. Once this is all over, I can escort you home if you wish. We must get there before your family takes your home."

"I nearly forgot about that." Bilbo said, a new look of angry determination growing on his face. "Logically, we have to be nearly out of here. We've been going on forever." The hobbit called frustratedly, and picked up his pace. Agarwaen nearly laughed. A true adventurer, yet he still loved his home more than anything else. Hobbits were quite curious indeed.

"I think I shall take you up on that offer when this is over. I don't think I'd ever get home by myself." He admitted.

"I'm sure Gandalf will come with us, too." Agarwaen looked around then, feeling growing concern, but she wasn't sure why. The presence of thicker and larger webs seemed to escape her, as if the forest had poisoned her sight. When she looked back at Bilbo, he had a confused look on his face.

"What is it, Bilbo?" He looked up at her, and blinked long and hard.

"Nothing, I just...I think I'm seeing things." She looked to all the other dwarves, who also were looking at themselves and each other oddly. Then there was a commotion from the rear of the group.

"Bombur!" Bofur shouted happily. Everyone turned to see the dwarf in question roll off the sled and hit the ground with a thud. Smiles erupted all around, and the confusion of the forest was soon forgotten.

"What happened?" He asked, rubbing his head.

"You fell into the enchanted stream, and you've been asleep for days!" Gloin explained, helping the fat dwarf to his feet.

"The enchanted stream? What enchanted stream? And where are we?"

"We're...we're in Mirkwood, remember?"

"The last thing I remember are the goblins." He looked around.

"The goblins? That was weeks ago!" Bofur said.

"Well, you can tell me of all that has happened over supper. I'm starving."

"Bombur..." Dwalin began. "We have no food. Haven't had any for almost three days now." Bombur nearly fell over.

"What? Why did I ever have to wake up? I was dreaming, and there was food, and a feast going on forever and ever. There were so many kinds of meats, and fruits, and wines, and--"

"If you cannot talk about something else," Thorin interrupted, looking very close to murder, "Then be silent. We are already annoyed with having to drag you along for days, and we would rather not listen to you speak of food when we ourselves have had empty stomachs for quite some time." Bombur nodded sadly, and followed along with Bofur filling him in on everything that had happened from the back of the group.

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