It's Complicated

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What seemed like a normal day turned into something much more complicated.

Late in the evening Win comes across a soft plead for help. He apprehensively walks closer to the noise behind a building and stops in his tracks.

There a man no older than 25 was surrounded by 7 men. Two of them one taller than the other stood before the man while the rest of the men formed a circle behind them leaving no escape for the cornered victim.

"P-please spare me..." The victim drops to his knees. In one swift moved the taller man leaned in and kicks the victim. A grunt was heard from the victim as blood drip from his mouth.

Win feels his stomach twist and rushes in to help the victim.

He pushes forward and tries to help the man run but little did he know another man stood behind him and knocked him out.

Win P.O.V.

The throbbing in the left side of my brain became even more persistent as I tried to lift an eyelid up. Soft whispers became louder and my eyes popped open in realization. Here I was in some type of apartment in front of the two men from earlier.

"Oh you're awake." The man with black hair stated. He walked towards me and gave a half smile.

"Do you know who we are?" He asked looking down at me. As far as I know I wasn't that short and it registered to me that I sat tied up on a sofa.

I glared at the man. "So it seems you don't know..." He looked away and the man, who he was with before, came and stood next to him. "Brat are you really that much of an idiot?" He spoke more to himself. I scoffed. "I am not a brat and I would rather leave than be here, what you did to that man wasn't cool at all." I spat out with venom. He smirked and pulled at a chunk of my hair. "You sure have a smart mouth." He whispered closely to my ear. I shivered at his voice.

"Bright that's enough." he shook his head as said man let go. He motioned to him to the side and they spoke with hush voices. After what seem like hours of me burning a glare at their back they turned and walked towards me. The tall black haired man was the first to speak.

"We are one of the most biggest and dangerous mafias out there, the 'corps' mafia to be exact." I let out a gasp. What the heck, they were known for being well skilled and wealthy. An organization the police cannot capture. "You, in a way, just witness us about to kill a man who owed us." He held a deadly look. "We can't let a witness spread rumors about what the killer looks like now, can we?" he leaned in and chuckled. He moved away and glance at the man named Bright. "Pavel, hurry it up, I need a bath." He said crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

The man, Pavel glanced down at me before hardening his gaze. "There is one way you can save your life." He spoke with authority. "Our guise is a well-known company that's runs hotels. Recently we've been having trouble keeping the guise since Bright here," he pointed a finger in Bright's direction. "-Is attracting too much attention from women and a few men." He sighed. "It would aid us greatly if you can become Bright's fiancé." What the fuck! Did he think I wanted to become his fiancé? I'm not an object to show off. "No." I firmly stated. He laughed for a good thirty seconds before crossing his arms. "Then will rid of you as well as a few of your close friends." He tapped his chin. "I think they're names were Rachel and JJ." Bright nodded.

"You can't kill them! They have nothing to do with this!" I screamed. There is no way in hell they can do that! "You don't even know where they live!" I spoke with courage that they would not be found. Bright came before me and in his hand held a photo of Rachel with the background of her work place, as well as another photo of JJ walking into our apartment. What the fuck. I took in a deep breath and glared at them as much as I could.

How could this have all happen to me.

Earlier that day.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I swear that damn alarm. I hit the alarm off and groaned. I needed to get a new job today. Stupid Luke getting me in trouble.

It was 8:30am when I finished getting ready. I drank my coffee and ate my toast before leaving home. I made my way towards town and away from the apartments near the college me and my roommates went to. I looked through every store looking for a "Help Wanted" sign but to know hope there was nothing.

I made my way towards restaurants and malls but still no available job. Then I decided to check hotels for any job. Just as I was making my towards a building that I swore was enormous as those huge ass titans from that anime... I heard a whimper.

Oh yeah, that. I should've ignored that.

Fast forward to present moment

I clenched my jaw and spat out my response, "Fine." Pavel half smiled and Bright had a pleased look. Did these kind of people take joy in my misery? Heck, I'm pretty sure I'm not even gay.

"Although there's another thing you have to follow through." Pavel began. I groaned. "You will live with him and have to accompany him to everywhere he asks you to go with him. Of course to act the part you must also be intimate with him, at least outside of the house." The more he spoke the more tensed and annoyed I was getting. I couldn't just leave. My roommates, Rachel and JJ, would have such a hard time covering my share. "I can't live with him! my roommates can't cover my share of rent." I glanced down and my gaze softens at the thought of my roommates.

My line of sight was yanked away from the ground and was now staring at gray eyes. "We'll cover the cost of rent and anything dealing with money." His voice was surprisingly calming although I hated his guts.

"You cannot tell anyone about this and we start tonight." I nodded and glanced over the clock at the wall behind him. It was just a little after 9:00pm. Funny Rachel hasn't even called me yet.

I was pulled behind and a knife cut at the ropes that held me. Bright dragged me out of the room and towards the door. We eventually made it to a very expensive car. It was a black BMW, one of my dream cars. I gawked for a moment before I was shoved into the passenger seat and buckled up. He closed the door and I huffed in disagreement. He didn't even need my address. I leaned back and looked out the window.

How was I going to cover this up to Rachel and JJ? Rachel would kill me for getting myself in this mess. JJ would probably be scared shitless but would help. If only I could get away without them involve.

Before my thoughts could trail any further I felt a finger being pressed in between my eyebrows. I looked at Bright and frowned. "You look like you need to take a shit." I scoffed. "I don't! But I do need to cover up any suspicion my roommates might have!" I slightly yelled. I let out a restrained sigh. "Just tell them you found the man of your dreams and you're moving in." I looked towards him and looked away. "They don't even think I'm gay." He chuckled. "There's a first for everything."

Soon we were at my apartment. I unbuckled myself and tried to open the car door. It wouldn't budge. Bright chuckled. "It's child locked so you wouldn't run away." I shook my head and frowned. As we left the car he followed me. Right before I was about to turn the door knob, the door burst open and Rachel latched on to me. "Where have you been?! I've been so worried." She said as she pulled away. Her worried gaze turned bitter as she look behind me. I gulped. Here goes nothing. "Ai'Chel you have to understand." I calmly stated. "He's the man of my dreams," I took another breath. "And I'm going to live with him." I breathed out this time and Bright wrapped an arm around my waist. I spent no time looking at him but at Rachel. Her eyes started to tear and she looked baffled. "You don't care about us." She stated and locked herself in her room. "Ai'Chel, please." I knocked hard against her door but only heard sniffles. Where was JJ? I left her room to look for him in his room. He wasn't there but he left a note that he was staying at a friend's house. I grabbed at the ends of my hair and let out a frustrated breath.

Just as I was about to leave, I left a note explaining things using the damn story from earlier. The bags from hands were taken from my grasp as Bright made his way to his car but not before watching me locked my apartment and making sure that I was in pursuit. I got buckled in by him again and he closed the car door. I took one last look and looked forward without looking back.

 To be continued.

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