A Mess of Things

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Win P.O.V.

Bright looked more at ease since the incident. It's been two weeks and although he still hasn't let me go to school alone, he was more serene.

Through the week we spent most our free time together. He would take me out to eat at a restaurant every night and we'd spend the whole time talking. At one point he explained to me about what happened with the incident and why he had to suddenly keep a close eye on me. I mean he still does and normally I would never agree but he's been growing on me. I felt that I've gotten to know him more and the more I did the more I felt my heart beat for him. What turned out as an unfortunate event seems to be turning out into something greater.

I know, without doubt that I'm gay for him. All the extra time I had, I did some online research and checked all the symptoms. I always thought of him wherever I went and anyone with an ebony hair reminded me of him. I even became a little more embarrassed when he stared at me for too long. I would never admit it but I even had a ...wet dream... Of him.

Today was the day I was going to tell him that I like-like him.

Walking away from my college I took the bus to the nearest floral shop. I've been planning it since yesterday and I hope that Bright's reaction to this will be good. I bought him a dozen roses because there was so much about him that drove me crazy. Like the thorns on the roses I knew that he had flaws. I mean he's in the mafia! But even though I try to remind myself that, he just keeps coming into my thoughts and into my heart. I knew by then I was a goner. I even longed for more every time he kissed me. I stopped arguing with him and I didn't notice it until he mentioned it. Honestly this was a big step for me because I never really dated a guy... Well anyone at that.

As I waited on the bus I kept checking the time. I wanted to make it to the hotel to get to my shift on time but I also wanted to confess to him before the roses get ruined on its way to him. The bus came in 10 min and I was grateful Bright allowed me to take the bus there. I felt myself fidget as I sat on the bus. I was a little nervous about what Bright would say. Would he reject me and say he was just toying with me? Will he kick me out? Will he... Leave me?

I shook my head to get the bad thoughts out. I'm pretty sure the worst thing that could happen is him rejecting me. I would be a little embarrassed but I think it's worth the try since I've never really took the step to confess my feelings to someone before.

It's funny how twisted it is. One moment I'm in a situation where he's the prey and I'm his food. Then the next moment were on good terms and I'm volunteering to stay with him.

I leave the bus and walk the little way to the hotel. I make my way to his office and while I'm out his door I gulped. I take a deep breathe or two and then knock on his office door. I heard a muffled "Come in." And I slowly opened the door. I hid the roses behind my back as I walk in and close the door. He doesn't look up until I'm at his desk. I looked away from his eyes and towards the wall window behind him that gave a beautiful view.

"Win?" He raises an eyebrow and I feel myself tremble at his gaze. I better make this quick and run, I thought. I looked into his eyes and his gazes back into mines. I shiver but continue to try and make out a word. "Bright, promise me you won't interrupt me while I'm speaking to you." He nods and motions for me to continue.

"I-I don't know when it exactly started but you constantly steal the all the room in my head. No matter what I do you always creep back into my thoughts. I feel myself wanting to impress you more often and every time I feel like I can't do something I think of you and immediately I get the strength and courage to do the impossible." I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I open them again and locked my eyes with him. His facial expression is a little hard to read but I feel safe to continue. "I really, really, really like you Mr. Chivaaree." I hold out the roses and he stares at them. "If you feel the same way for me please accept these." He gazes at roses but makes no move to take it. I felt my hands get sweaty as the seconds tick.

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