Valen and Pavel's bet

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Win P.O.V.

The light kissed my eyelids, forcing me awake. Legs were intertwined with mines and hands held my torso. I smiled and slowly removed myself from him. He whined a little but didn't move.

I made my way down the steps and into the kitchen. I was craving omelets so omelets it was. I decided to make Bright some too and make his morning tea. To prep I turned on the oven and boiled water. I don't like my eggs oily and prefer them fluffy so I baked my omelets. I cracked six eggs into a bowl and whisked them together with a pinch of salt and pepper. Then I poured it into a rectangular pan and into the oven they went.

After some time I took them out and sprinkled cheese on it then folded it. It was a huge omelet and I felt so excited to share it with Bright. I transferred the omelet to a large plate and used ketchup to draw a heart on it. At the bottom where there was space on the plate, I wrote 'I love you' as nicely as I could. The water boiled and I quickly turned off the oven. Bright always drank black tea so this time around I wanted him to drink something different.

I opened up a top cabinet and pulled out earl grey tea. I heard a lot of people raving about it and I secretly bought it for Bright. I pulled two mugs from the dishrack and poured in hot water. I put the tea bags in and waited for two minutes then removed them. I didn't like my tea that bitter so I never leave it in for too long. I'm not sure about Bright since I never drink his tea and he always makes it himself, so I left the tea bags on a small dish to the side so he could put it back in if he wanted it bitterer.

The only thing left to do was to wake up mister sleepy head. I walked into our room and kissed his eyes, then his forehead, then his checks, and lastly his lips. "Wake up" I sang the words. He whined. "No. I don't want to. If I have to pretend to be asleep for you to bravely kiss me all over then I will." My wolf is so stubborn but I still love him. "But, I made breakfast for you. If you won't eat it, I'll cry." I started to make whimpering noises and rubbed at my eyes for a more dramatic effect.

He immediately jumped out of bed and hugged me. "Don't cry. I'm going, I'm going now." He kissed my hands and ran out of the room. I smiled mischievously and followed him down. I walked into the kitchen, only for him to tackle me to the floor. "Ow! What the heck Bright! Tha-" he kissed my lips and then the corner of my eyes. "You're such a nuisance. Stop winning and accept my love." He smiled and pulled me up. "Where is your share?" He looked at the single omelet.

I blushed and looked at the wall. "I- I- I wanted to share with you…" I trailed off. He pulled me into the seat beside him and kissed me again. I moved to cut the omelet but he grabbed my wrist. "Wait." He took his phone from the counter and took a picture of my work. "Now I will always have a picture of it and something to blackmail you with." I blushed and pushed him away. "Stop!" He took my hand and pulled me closer. "Not when it comes to you." I blushed and let me tell you, it ended up with us making love on the kitchen floor.


Joss P.O.V.

When Luke confessed to me that night, I couldn't believe my ears. Despite everything I've done and kept from him, he still helped me escape and stayed with me. The first night here was a little rough because I had all of my money back 'home' and I had to make a new passport and transfer all the money to a different bank account with a new name. Luke didn't want me to change my first name so I just changed my last name.

I had no other idea of what to change it to and ask Luke for advice. He blushed when he recommended his last name. I still had lingering feelings for Win but Luke crossed the ocean for me and deserved that much.

After transferring my money and making a new alias for me, we moved into a house just a little further out from the city. Luke told me he would leave to go back and call me from time to time but I didn't want that. After being Narawat's side bitch for years and getting rejected by my first love, I felt emotionally unstable. Luke has loved me ever since I met him. I just can't believe I was so blind to it.

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