Into the Right Arms

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Win P.O.V.

Nothing felt right. It's been a couple of days since I woke up with 'amnesia.' I tried to trust Joss and let things work but nothing felt right or familiar. I didn't want to say anything about it because I didn't want to get kicked out. I tried to call Rachel and JJ but no matter what phone I used in the house when he left, it never worked, it would just lead to an answering machine that would always say the same damn words of 'cannot connect with caller' or something like that. I was getting fed up but I had nowhere else to go.

I even tried to ask a little more about this Bright person but he got mad and broke a cup. From what I experienced I knew not to bring up the name Bright and that asking more about Rachel and JJ would do me no good. I even wondered if I was in an abusive relationship. Although I couldn't say for sure because if I just kept quiet about them, all he did was kiss me and hug me. He would also ask me if I wanted anything, no matter the cost or if it was across the ocean.

Another weird thing was that he never lets me see anyone, talk to anyone, or even let me out of the house. I thought it would be better for me to have fresh air but I guess not. I even asked him if I was still going to school and he said it was too dangerous since I was unwell. But after I kept pestering him to at least let me go out for a bit, he took me out on a date. We went out for dinner and he was so loving and caring to me the whole night, except that if I wasn't paying close attention I wouldn't have notice how uneasy he felt when he saw men of a certain description. I notice that any man that was tall with ebony hair made him uncomfortable. I held his hand to draw his attention away from that but it only worked so much.

Any girl or man would have been happy to have a guy like Joss. He owned a big house, rich, good looking, loving, caring, understanding, and patient. Anyone else but me, like I said, nothing felt right. I didn't feel like I loved him or was head over heels for him.

Tonight he came home a little late but still managed to bring something home for me. It was chocolate filled with some type of alcohol. It didn't look cheap either but regardless of what I say when I tell him I don't need lavish gifts, he still brings home something. We had dinner, keep in mind he cooked because I can't cook, and then we sat at the living room to watch a movie. He let me pick and I picked out some type of funny movie out of random.

Instead of popcorn he had me eat my chocolates while he sipped on soda. The movie was ok, I laughed here and there but only because I started to get a little tipsy from the chocolates.

When the ending credits came up he began to kiss me. It was slobbery and I wanted him to stop because I wasn't in the mood but in my state I was too weak to fight. He then began to put his hands under my shirt and I should have felt excited but I felt none of that. In fact I wanted to vomit and I felt uncomfortable. He kissed my neck and instead of some type of moan or sexual noise, I let out a squeak. He seemed too much in a haze to realize it though. Then he began to unbuttoned my pants and I freaked out. "J-Joss."

I called out hesitantly, if he was as caring and patient as he has been, he shouldn't be mad if I deny him any tonight. He stopped for a moment and looked at me. "What is it love?" he always called me love and it never made me happy. "I- I can't do it." He kissed my check. "That's ok, I'll lead and you follow." He began to move again and this time successfully getting me in just my underwear. I was in tears now, "Joss, I'm sorry I don't want to do this." I cried and he stopped.

The air was filled with sexual tension and I felt bad. Instead of telling me it was alright or comforting me he left while muttering, "I'll sleep in the guest room tonight." With that he walked upstairs and slammed the door.

That night I walked into our supposed shared room and cried myself to sleep.

"Metawin." The voice called out. It was warm and loving, it was familiar. I opened my eyes and saw a man with deep brown stormy eyes. I straddled him and gazed into his eyes. On instinct I kissed his neck and made playful noises that aroused him.

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