Testing the Water

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Bright woke up early as usual and got ready before waking Win up. It was a tiring morning for both of them because it was a Thursday. The both of them hope it was Friday because Saturday and Sundays were there off days.

Bright took Win to school and made sure to tell him not to go anywhere with anyone and that he was picking him up from then on. He felt that it wasn't safe for Win to go home alone. Win wasn't too pleased about it but had to concur because of all the stares they were getting at his school. Bright made sure to contact Valen and Mike before leaving Win's college.


Bright P.O.V.

It was an hour since I've gotten here and I was sent out on another job. A technician somehow breached our system and I was sent to get rid of the person. No important information was taken and spread but the minor stuff was taken and was now circulating.

I drove to the place where the person was held. The rest of the main members were there to get started on the job. It was a possibility that we could recruit the person. If anyone was able to access our network then they would benefit us if we had them on our side.

I made my way to the group surrounding the person. It was a young girl who look no older than 17. Her hair is the color of a vibrant black. Her hair was in pigtails and her eyes resembled a certain someone I knew. She glared at everyone. "Tch. You've got some guts kid."

The girl was a little bloodied and she had a sprained to her ankle that kept her from running. "Sir, what would you like us to do?" Mike spoke with pride.

I took the girls chin in my hand and stared at her eyes. "You can choose to work with us or die." Her eyes glint with something I couldn't describe. She sighed and looked away. "How much you pay?" I released her and walked away. "Depends on how well you do." I walked away and she was brave enough to take me by the arm. "Give me a range." This kid had no fear at all. "$200-300 per assignment." Her eyes sparked with interest. "It's nice to meet you sir, I'm Prim." I nodded and walked away. "Bright." Before leaving I made sure the rest of the members present took her information. This kid could be useful to me in the future.


Win's POV

Stupid Bright, Stupid rules, stupid everything. If I just hadn't heard that voice, if maybe I had my ear buds on before that moment I would still be just like any other teen.

I felt someone put their arm on me and I turned to my left. "What Luke?" He pulled his arm back and punched my shoulder. "What's gotten into you dumb shit?" Before I could land a punch at him I saw Rachel give me a glare from where she sat. If I hit Luke she would eat me for it, heck anything she doesn't approve of that I do will make her beat me up. I let out a deep sigh. "I'm just not in a good mood today." I brush through my hair and place my head on my desk with my hands in my hair. Luke snickered. "Metawin, what's with the ring on your left hand? Whose name starts with V?" I quickly pulled my left hand to my chest and hid it from any watchful eyes. "It's just a ring Luke." He hit my back and laughed. "Sure if the letter M doesn't stand for your name and that heart in the middle doesn't stand for love then I don't what anything is anymore." I felt heat rise to my face and just pushed him away from me. "Shut up Luke." Our professor walked in and class began.

Luke stopped pestering me about it but I felt the strong gaze from Rachel to my left side. I haven't spoken to her or JJ about it since that day I left. We avoided the topic and it left an air of tension every time we were alone together. I never knew how to bring it up to her and because she was Rachel she must've understood that I had a hard time telling her. Today might be the day I tell her.

After class Luke started up about the ring again. Surprisingly he assumed it was a couple ring and not an engagement ring. Before he could ask any more questions Rachel pulled me away and Joss took his attention away. She pulled me to the side from any listening people. "We need to talk." Her gaze fell over the ring. "Can we talk at home?" She means the home I've left. Although Bright's house was something I also referred to as home, it never felt like home. Not like what home felt like with Rachel and JJ. It felt like a prisoner's cell. "Okay." I look towards the floor and she nodded.

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