A Bunch of Things

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Win P.O.V.

Today was a little awkward considering last night's events. At the hotel everyone paid respect to me and at some point the people, who (still) considered me as a bother, toned it down a bit. I usually work at the front desk because my biggest specialty was being able to fake good customer service. The other times I'm at the door serving as security. Bright dislikes it when I work as security but I don't know what's up with him. Of course because he hated it, I had to wrestle with him for it. So now during the week days I work as security on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

"Win, the director wants you to meet him in his office." I nodded to the lady besides me. Her name was Air and even though she is involved with the mafia, her personality is just the sweetest and it's what helped me settle in okay.

As I took the elevator up I began to feel a bit claustrophobic. After an incident when I was a child I've been afraid of being in a tight enclosed space. At times like this I count to calm myself down. I counted up until twelve then the elevator dinged open. I walk down the hallway to find Bright's office.

I knocked before hearing him say a word of approval. I cautiously opened the door to his office and I locked my gaze with his. It wasn't something that was lace with malice but it was something I couldn't figure out. He stood from his desk and walked over to me before slamming the door closed.

He pushed me into the door and his arms were at both sides of my head. I gulped at the sudden distance. He smirks and before I could ask him to get off, he walks away. My eyebrows scrunch up together in confusion. "We have a dinner party that we need to attend. There I can officially introduce you and get rid of those persistent blind dates." His voice holds venom as he mentions the last part. "Are we going back home?" I asked with curiosity. Surely he wouldn't let me go there looking like I was a part of the dinner staff than I was a guest. Though I wouldn't mind if I didn't have to be involved with this. "There's a change of clothes in this bag. The bathroom is to your right, be quick." I nodded and took the bag. I quickly rush into the bathroom and get changed. I looked myself in the mirror and tried to tame my hair. I damp my hands a little with water in my attempt to sooth it down but after a few seconds it unwinds back into its original state. I left it as it is and begin to remove my clothes as quick as possible.

Since my shift today was at the desk, I had on navy blue slacks, a white button up, a plain bright blue tie, and dress shoes. Taking off everything was a piece of cake but every time it came to the tie, I couldn't help but spend more time taking it off. After successfully removing it I opened the bag to reveal its content. Inside was the gray suit and a brown tie that we bought the other day. I manage to put on everything but after many failed attempts to get my tie on I decided that asking Bright would be best.

Just as I was walking out I overheard Bright's phone call. "Dispose the body by taking it to a dumpster or in the crevice of two buildings." He hangs up and pinches the bridge of his nose as his eyes remain close. I silently walk up to him and wait until he notices me. The topic of his earlier conversation was a bit overwhelming to me so I chose to ignore it.

He opens his eyes and he has his stolid face again. "C-could you help me?" I motioned to my tie and he chuckles. "You're very spoiled." As he finishes tying the tie he pulls the end of it and I lurch forward. I feel my face heat up. Our faces are so close that I feel his warm breath against me. He leans forward and I'm taken in a deep kiss. He pulls away before I could react and I turn away.

Somehow he always manages to take a kiss from me even when we're in closed doors with no one watching. He laces our fingers together and we walk out of the office to make it to the dinner party.

Dinner Party

We arrived at a fancy restaurant and every man and women looked so refined. I felt timid and out of place. The hostess lead us to our table and I felt relieve that this party wasn't one where you stand around and interact with people. Once we we're seated I notice that there was five other people at our table. Two were women and the rest were men.

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