Bright, I want this

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Win P.O.V.

I felt nervous while waiting for Rachel at the front of the school. I texted her just a minute ago and she said she would be here soon. I felt my hands get sweaty as the minutes pass. "Bunny." My heart started to race like I ran ten miles as I slowly turned my head to look at Rachel. "Hey." I calmly greeted her even though I swore I felt like passing out. Luckily, where I was sitting, is at a table with two benches at the opposite side of each other. She took a seat across from me as I studied her face and body language. She did not seem to be in a good mood. Oh Bright what do I do?

"Look, I know that you're very mad at me like very furious that you would most likely murder Bright but please just let me talk, ok?" I pleaded to her while batting my long eyelashes at her, as everyone says they are. She doesn't say anything and remains silent. She still looks furious but nonetheless says nothing else. "Ok. I'm sure that you heard the real story from Bright, right?" she nods and takes a deep breath. "Puppy, I'm sorry that I lied to you and kitten. It was just something I couldn't tell you guys about. I know it seems terrible that I fell in love with my captivator but shit just happened. Please understand for once Rachel. It's not like I won't see or visit you anymore. So please just let me be for once and give me your support." I keep my eyes on her and she makes no move to speak. I get a little frustrated and I want to walk away but I need to clear this up because it would be too stupid to ruin our strong friendship over this.

She makes a move for my hand and I let her take it. "You're growing so fast Bunny… I don't want to lose you or let you go with that monster. What if he gets you into trouble? Drugs? Alcohol? Sex? Gets you killed? Win, I just want my little brother safe and to pick a significant other that won't drag you into things like this. I can't bear to see you if you end up as a druggy or an alcoholic or get sexually abuse by him. I just…. The reason i life is to take care of you and kitten" She gives my hand a squeeze as she looks at me with worry in her eyes.

I get a little angered for her referring to Bright as a monster. He isn't a monster, he is my lover, my other half, someone who I can love and rely on. "Puppy please stop calling him a monster. He isn't what you make him out to be ok? He's sweet and caring and never once forced me into sex. He doesn't even do drugs. All the time I've been with him I've never caught any type of drugs around the house or in his office. I'm free to move about in the house so it's not like I can't go searching for stuff. He only drinks wine as far as I can tell from the winery in the house. He doesn't even let me near that stuff. Please just let me be and give me your support?" I tried my best to defend him and keep him in a positive light but whatever I'm saying doesn't get through to her.

"Win. I said what I needed to say and I mean it. It's your big sister or him." She gave me a serious stare and it frightened me. I didn't want to leave Bright and neither did I want to leave Rachel. Why does she have to make it so hard? Five minutes pass between us and I made no attempt to decide. Instead I got up and started to walk away. But as I did so I paused just to speak over my shoulder. "I care for you and love you just like a real big sister. You're an important person in my life and hold a place in my heart and you always will. I'm sorry I can't please you but I will still visit you and JJ, if you let me and still want to see me." She ignored my attempt to make the situation better and instead threatened me. "Metawin, He's not healthy for you and would put you in danger, he could kill you Win!"

She grips my arm but I pull it out of her grasps. "No Rachel! You don't understand! I love him and I want to be with him, if you can't accept it then you weren't really there for me in the first place!"

Slowly I started to jog then I ran, I ran as tears pricked at my eyes and began to fall down my checks. I didn't know where I was going until a familiar building came in sight. I ran inside and saw Love, she looked surprised to see me because I should have been in class by now. "Win!" she called out but I ignored her and ran up the stairs of the hotel. Everyone must've thought I was crazy but I couldn't care, I was a bit heartbroken.

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