I'm Sorry Bright

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Bright P.O.V.

I don't know where I went wrong. I just wanted the best for him and now I don't know what to do. I need someone to vent to, someone who will just listen to me. "Hello? Bright?" A sobbed left me and I felt my all my walls tumble down. "Bright! Are you ok?! Where are you?!" I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. "I don't know Pavel… Can I come over?" It was hard holding my tears in but I had to, just for a bit so he could hear me. "You're welcome anytime. I'll meet you at my house." I ended the call and drove to his house.

He was already waiting for me out front. I parked my car in the driveway and walked over to him. He put his arm around my waist and patted my back. We sat in his personal bar and walked behind it to bring out some alcohol. He brought out two glasses, a container of ice, and whiskey. He added ice to both cups and poured in the whiskey. "Is this about Win?"

Painful memories of his pushing me away came across my mind and my tears return. I cried into my palms as my heart clench and sunk into my chest. Pavel came around and pulled me into a hug. "He s-said to g-give him some s-space" I pulled at my hair. I never cried over anything or anyone since ten. "I-I thought I m-made him happy b-but he l-looks so sad…" He rubbed my shoulders and handed me the glass of whiskey. "Drink this and then we can take shots afterwards. It should help you clear your thoughts."

I eagerly took the drink from his and gulped it down. It burned my throat and chest but I started to feel a little bit better. It was different from the usual wine that I drank. He brought out two shot glasses and vodka. We took turns pouring drinks and at one point I think he added something into my cup before pouring me a drink. "Whatdidyouputinthere?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Do you trust me?" I scrunched my eyebrows but nodded. "Then that's all you need to know." I was confused but my mind was all over. I couldn't think straight but there was only one thing on my mind. Win. I want to just kiss him and make him feel good all over. Thinking about him made me pop a boner and get horny. I needed to go find him. "Pavel, Where's Win?" I asked innocently. I felt loose and really dizzy.

From my blurry vision I saw him frown. "That's not the point right now Bright. You need to forget about him, just for tonight." I yawned and almost fell back. "But I need him! I feel bothered" I cheekily smiled while thinking about him. I felt hot breath tickle my ear and turned to look behind me. "Pavel?"

He smiled and reached for my pants. "What are you doing?" I pushed his hands away and immediately I soften. He frowned again and reached for me. "I'm helping you." I swat his hands away and moved away from him. "No. I'm off limits. We can't do this anymore Pavel, I'm engaged. I've ended this game with you when I met Win!"

He began to inch closer to me as I backed away. "One more time wouldn't hurt." I mentally screamed and ran to the door. Everything seemed to move slowly but adrenaline was coursing through me. He grabbed my shoulder and I heard a click. I look down to see a handcuff. What the hell is going on? I punched him dead in the face. I ran out of his house and sped all the way home.

I was tired. As soon as I came home I knocked out on the bed. Win's scent was still here and that alone was enough to sooth me to sleep.

-Next day-

My head throbbed and I felt a headache starting to form in the very back. "Win" I called out to him and reached over to the side. I patted the bed but all I felt was the cold sheets. My eyes shot open and I looked around. I rubbed my face and felt a heavy thing on my wrist. A cuff. Memories of last night came to me, from things that happen with Win all the way to Pavel.

The headache became too painful for me. I ran down to the kitchen for a pain killer and called in sick. The next person I called was Win. "Hello? Bunny?" I heard an awkward cough and I knew it wasn't my bunny. "He's in the bathroom. He's also really sorry for last night and is getting ready to go home." I smiled. I didn't care too much if he was sorry, I mostly cared about if he was coming home soon. "It's fine. Tell him I'm coming to pick him up now."

My heart filled with joy and I couldn't wait to be reunited with him. It's about time we came clean about how we felt and what we wanted to know about each other. "Will do!" I thanked him and quickly got ready. I wouldn't want my soon to be husband doubting me. I sprayed on the cologne that he loves to smell on me. It was time to make up.

-Honey couple's house-

Win P.O.V.

Bright was coming over to pick me up. I'm pretty sure he wants to be on good terms again but I just can't. I won't be a hundred percent honest, at least not until I've won the battle. I sat at the couch as Jimmy brought him in. He hugged me while Jimmy excused himself. It was only us three in the house today. "I missed you bunny." I reluctantly hugged him back and nodded. I pulled away and brushed away a strand of his hair. "Look I just needed some time before. Just to gather my thoughts, I'll come home with you today." I gave a half smile and Bright kissed me. "There's something I also need to be honest with you about. Let's talk at home?" I nodded and he pulled me up from the couch.

I hugged Jimmy before leaving and thanked him. As we drove home Bright tried to start a conversation with me but I shortly ended it. It wasn't as if I was mad at him or if it was his fault, although partially it was.

He opened the car door for as always and held my hand as we walked to the front door. He unlocked it and was quick to kiss me. He's kisses were hungry and filled with love but I wasn't feeling it. There was nothing in it from me and I knew Brigjt felt it too. "Win? What's wrong? Please you're not yourself."

I let out a halfhearted laugh and slumped to the floor. "I'm sorry, I just haven't been feeling well these past few days." I hugged my legs closed to me and Bright wrapped his arms around me. "Talk to me." His touches were gentle but I was the one pushing him away. "Do you love me?" He flinched away as if baffled. "I love you Win! I love you more than anything in this world! What would make you say that?" He kissed my forehead and held me tighter.

I shook my head. "It's nothing. I think I'm just a bit overwhelmed." I gave him a smile but he seemed weary about it even though he nodded. "There something I have to be honest about too…" He led me to our upstairs living room and held my hand. "Before I met you…I had a thing with… Pavel." My heart clenched and my hand went limp in his hold. "It's been over since I met you. Since we started dating, I just wanted to let you know because I don't want to keep secrets from you." He rubbed his thumb over my hand and I leaned into the couch.

"Are you mad?" I shook my head. "No, you're not doing it anymore are you?" He squeezed my hand. "That for sure you can take my word as truth, no we are not doing it. You've become my world now and there's nothing more that I'd love to do than give you the world." I laughed sincerely my new deep down in my heart that there was still something bothering me. It was something I had to solve on my own.

"You don't have to go work tomorrow or the day after or the week after, month after, and year after. I'll provide everything for you. Just go to school, okay?" We talked some more over dinner. "No, I want to work. Just be patient with me." He smiled and nodded.

I just wish I knew what would happen before the long battle.

To be continued.

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