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Win P.O.V.

It was hard going to work today but I wouldn't stay home. I knew she was going to be there and staying home wasn't going to make her go the fuck away. As I walk into the hotel with Bright he kisses my hand and then my lips before saying bye. A few seconds later a male couple, around their late twenties, came up to me and asked for a picture. "Not to be rude or anything but I'm not a celebrity." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away. "But you are! In the LGBT community you and your fiancé are the most popular on the search bar. You guys encourage us to not be afraid! That's why during our vacation we decided to stay at this hotel and to our luck we saw you two!"

A smile came onto my face as he talked. I felt really proud and stood even straighter. "All right! A selfie then?" They both nodded and handed me their camera. I took the picture and they were both happy, heck I even took a silly one with them. "Thank you so much! We would have loved to have taken a picture with Bright but he walked away too quickly." I patted his shoulder and then rubbed my arm. "Maybe if you come by next time we can take one with him." They smiled and thanked me again. The couple walked away and then I was shoved aside. Yes, I was shoved.

I looked at the person who shoved me and who would've known, fuckin the devil in the flesh, Love. I scowled and walked away. No I'm not going to stoop to hell just to meet her. Even if I wasn't I'm pretty sure when I fight back Bright would walk out just at the right time and think it was my fault. When in reality I was only defending myself. I know I should tell him the truth and try to make him believe it wasn't me but I'm not going to be a brat who runs home to mama hoping she would fix it. I'm fuckin grown up and can handle my own battles.

I stomped my way to check in and prayed that I wasn't on desk duty but, no, I was. Well fuck me. I clocked in and sat as far as I could from Love. After an hour pass a lady and her young son came to check into their rooms. Love immediately went to help them as I smiled at the guests. Honestly I could care less if she did because it only meant that she has more work even though we get paid the same. Out of nowhere my face gets grabbed and I'm lifted from my seat. "Excuse me?!" I panic and stared at the young man, what the hell was his problem? "You, you look familiar. Sorry." He removed his hands away from me and I smiled. Maybe he's heard about me? "It's okay." The mother smiled apologetically at me. "Sorry he has just recently gotten a break up. He thinks every man with chocolate hair is his EX."

I smiled softly not knowing what to say. "I do hope things get better." He smiles too and they leave to their rooms. "Flirting with every guy you see now? You're engaged get a grip, unless you don't mind me taking him away from you?" She smirked deviously and I was tempted to slap her. "One I was not flirting. Two you're a fucking… uh, it's not even with saying. Three just fuck off." Her jaw dropped as she clenches her hands. I smirked and went back to typing.

Lunch soon came and I left to Bright's office. I can't wait to have lunch with him, just us two. As I neared his door I heard Love's voice through his office. I waited a moment at his door listening in on them. "Mmmmmmh but Bright" She was moaning and at that moment I threw the door open. What I saw wasn't a pleasant sight and I grew angry.

She was all over him on his desk and her first few buttons were off, revealing her hot pink bra that made her boobs look they were about to burst. Bright on the other hand was unamused but his tie was grabbed on by her. This fucking BITCH! "GET THE FUCK OFF HIM!" I ripped her hand from his tie and held him close to me. "WHAT PART OF ENGAGE DON'T YOU FUKCING UNDERSTAND?!" I was teary and light headed from yelling at her.

Valen ran into the room and instead of her usual cheerful face, worry replaced it. "Oh my, is everyone ok?!" We all probably looked like at mess right now. Bright was gripped tightly by me still unresponsive to everything while Love was on the ground half undressed. "Love are you alright?" Valen went to go help her as Bright turned to gaze at me. He looked shocked and a bit flustered. Instead of worrying me even more he reaches up and kisses my lips.

He ran his fingers through my hair and slowly pulls back. "Like I said and forever will be, I am yours and you are mine." He kisses me again and Valen clears her throat. "Guys?" She then squeals as I turned to see Love. Her face looked hideous. Her make-up ran as she silently wept but all of that changed when a new burning passion in her eyes showed. She turned and walked away, the sound of her heels clicking made me shiver but I didn't care. She was out of my (soon to be) husband's office and I didn't have to see her face anymore.

Slowly my head began to hurt and I fell limp in Bright's arms. All that yelling took too much energy from me.

Bright P.O.V.

I didn't mean for Win to see any of that. I wasn't cheating on him, she came onto me. Before I could shove her out of my way, Win came through the door and hell broke loose. Valen ran after Love while I tended to my lover. He seemed to be tired from all the shit that's been going on, I just hope he gets better and wakes up soon.

I decided to leave work early to bring Win home. Laying him on the bed I moved to change into joggers and a plain t-shirt. I didn't want him to be sleeping in his work clothes so I undressed him down and I never thought that holding myself back could have been the most hardest thing to do. His soft white skin tempted me and I wanted to make love to him then and there. But he was asleep, so to soften my hard on, I had to jack off in the bathroom.

After thoroughly cleaning myself I took one last glance into the room before heading down to make dinner. While chopping vegetable my phone began to ring. I placed the knife to the side and wiped my hands down before answering. "Hello?" I didn't bother to look at the caller I.D. but doing so was my mistake. "You are needed right now, head to my office immediately." I cursed and leaned against the kitchen counter. "And for what? Pavel it's fucking six in the evening. Why else would you want me? There's nothing wrong with our business and-" His voice began labored and rough. "Don't ask questions Brigjt." His voice was laced with malice. "Unless you want the pretty boy's face being ruined." I clenched my phone and open my mouth to speak but he cut me off. "Or if you like, no, rather, if I would like too I could take him myself and turn him into my personal play toy."

By now I was furious and wanted to claim war against him. "You're sick. I don't fucking know what's in that head of yours but you need help. I don't give a fucking shit about you firing me or him. I don't give any fucks if you send the mafia for me and my lover but" I inhaled and exhaled stressfully. "If you lay a finger or even breathe the same fucking air around him, I swear, I will kill you mercilessly." With that I ended the call and brush a hand through my hair. It's been awhile since I smoked and taking one now shouldn't hurt.

I reached into the cupboard for my cigarettes and lit one outside. I sat on our porch and gazed at the darkening sky. How the fuck all this happened is damn amazing. It's like a fairytale of some sort. I was emphasizing how thankful I was for what Pavel gave me. But now that he's threatened me, I have no remorse for what I have to do.

I reached into the top cabinet and left to our backyard. I lit the cigar and inhaled deeply. Everything seemed fine. My life began to get brighter and I was getting married to the most beautiful man on earth. Now I have to deal with Pavel and possibly the mafia as well. It didn't matter. I knew half of them respected me more than Pavel. It would become an all-out war.

I decided to call Prim and Perth to gather the guys. "Hey! What's up bro?" Prim's voice was cheerful and loud. "Is Bird with you?" I smashed the cigar into a cigar tray and leaned against the wall. "Yeah, is there something you need us to do?" Her voice became serious and I knew she was ready to take orders. "Keep Pavel's phone tapped and have Perth round the boys on my side. Tell them to stay on standby." I heard rustling on the phone and Perth's voice came on. "Ok, anything else we should do?" I thought for a bit but for now this was enough. I can protect Win myself. "Yes and keep your guard up." I hanged up and sighed.

I heard the sliding door open and Win kept his head down. I reached out to him and he froze. "What's wrong?" I pulled him into an embrace. "Did you have a nightmare?" he shook his head up and down. "Do you want to tell me?" He shook his head left and right. "No. If I tell you I'm afraid you would disappear from my sight."

My heart tightened and I held him tighter. "I won't ever let that happen, I love you Win." He nodded and in a breathless whisper, "I love you Vachirawit Chivaaree. I love you so much you've become my whole world. I won't ever stop loving you until my heart stops."

That night we cried in each other's embrace, afraid that in a blink of an eye all of this would disappear like a dream.

To be continued.

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