Whose the Enemy Now?

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Bright P.O.V.

About forty men surrounded the area with ten of them beside me. I saw that Win was on the ground and bloodied. Fuckin shit, if it weren't for the little spark of hope in his eyes then I would've lost it. I saw Valen and Mike across from Win but in a more terrible state that Win. They didn't bother to look at me but guilt and grief was held in their eyes. "B-Bright." Win's voice was hoarse and sounded fragile.

I needed to hold the brat in my arms and get him to safety as well as the others. Narawat was nowhere to be seen but it was better that way.

One of the many mistakes of these bastards was leaving me in the middle. The closest men to me were directly across from each other. I made a grab for my knives and killed them both in an instant. The next were a group of five coming at me with pipes, knives, pistols, and bats. It's fortunate that I always wear a bulletproof vest. I kept in mind to watch out for the guns aiming towards me and took out the closes to me. I manage to get three of them but I missed one and only manage to damage an eye. The man screamed in the pain and it was music to my ears. I slashed him and the last one coming towards me. I place my knives into a holder attached to my waist and switched them out for my pistols.

Another round of men came but this time in ten. I shoot down most of them and the rest stupidly shoot each other in the distance.

Win P.O.V.

The way he managed to kill that much people in such a short time amazed me. I heard Mike call out to me in a hush voice. I turned my head and saw him cut Valen's rope into half with a pocket knife in his mouth. I was amazed by his skill. Valen quickly cut his and then mines. The men were all too focused on Bright to notice that we were out of our binds.

I quickly glance up to see how Bright was doing and something frightened me. Another man manages to cut a deep wound into Bright's arm and another hit his good arm. It threw him off balance but a few feet away was another man holding a gun. It was directed at Bright and he was about to shoot.

I glanced at Valen and Mike but they were just standing there! I search their bodies for any sign of a gun and saw that Mike had one. I quickly took it and made sure the safety was off. I am forever thankful for having Luke drag me to shooting ranges because now it came in handy.

I steadied myself as quick as I could and pointed the gun at the man. With a blink of eye it was over. The man fell limp and blood pooled beside him. It would have been a cool thing if I didn't have the attention off all the other enemies. "Shit."

They're heads turned to my direction and their faces contorted into a frown. I felt a hand grabbed me but I was to shock to see who it was. Bright killed all the nearest men with his knives and shot the ones from afar. He looked in pain and my heart clenched. I wanted to go to him to apologize and comfort him.

"Win!" I heard Bright shot from the distance. I shook my head out of my thoughts and looked to see that Valen and Mike where protecting me from the last few men.

They fought the men by hand to hand combat and Bright refilled his gun in time to shot the very last of them. He rushed over to me and pulled me into his arms. I didn't hesitate to hold on to him. I felt safe with him by me and I felt so much more in my heart for him.

"Win..." He manages to kiss me and I feel tears form in my eyes. "Win, you hurt! W-we need to get you help!" I let go of him and tried to inspect his arm. "I'm find brat, just don't get your panties in a knot." He smirked and ruffled my hair. "Now not the time to joke Bright." I pouted and heard laughing in the distance.

"This certainly is not a laughing matter." A dark voice said. I look in the direction of it to see a tall and older man. I look back at Bright who had a murderous look. His arm instantly wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into him. "Now, now I don't want your play thing. I just need you to be on your dear good uncle's side." Bright's hand clenched the side of my shirt as the man spoke. It boiled anger in me to be referred to as a play toy.

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