Date night

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Win P.O.V. 

Bright was acting really funny but I knew why, when I woke up I went looking for him and overhead his conversation. I didn't mean too but I knew it was about me. I know we didn't start off on the right road but the past is the past and today is today, he's been treating me so well and all I've done so far was take from him. It's time for me to give back and stop causing problems for him.

Just a while ago during my morning break I called in for dinner reservations at ten. Lucky for me it's one where I can have privacy with him and can be sure that he'll be able to make it. "Hey Win can you take these financial statements to Bright? I'd take it myself but I'm afraid he'll scold me." I smiled, "Sure thing, what's up with this anyway? Aren't you the financial officer?" I laughed. "Hey not funny, there's just something up with the statement and the sales aren't matching up. Also could you make an excuse for why I can't give it to him?" I nodded and got up from my desk, taking the documents with me. "Thanks." He gave my shoulder a squeeze and gave me a wave as the elevator doors close.

Our financial officer is Tawan, lately his boyfriend New has been working the desk with me and we've become good friends. So now I've officially become a desk worker rather than a security guard but that's fine with me. I get to sit for majority of the time and it's not that boring. There's a lot of interesting people out there.

As I was deep in my thoughts I ran into a someone causing me to fall over and the papers to scatter. "Ow…" I accidently hit my head against a desk. I got up and dust myself immediately apologizing to the person I bumped into. "I'm so sorry." Upon realizing who it was I froze on the spot and the papers were forgotten. "No, it's alright but…" He came close to me and touches my head. I flinch but as he brings his hand back and in my sight I see blood. "You seem to have hurt your head badly, why don't you come in my office so I can help you?" He smiled but it felt cold.

I began to snap back into reality and picked up all the papers scattered on the ground. As I gathered them I felt his eyes boring into me. "Stop." I didn't listen to him and continued about. Suddenly I was pulled up and drag away, the papers scattering all over again. "Mike, pick those up and bring it to my office." Everyone who passed us gave us weird stares and I wanted to hide.

He shoved me in his office and closed the door shut, ensuring that it was lock. He pulled out a first aid kit from his private bathroom and pushed me on his couch. He began disinfecting it and it stung. I flinch every so often but once he was done dressing it I got up and thank him. "I'll be leaving now…" As I turn away his arm shot up and he roughly push me onto his couch. He began to fondly with my lips and slid his hands beneath my clothes. All of a sudden I began to feel sensitive and tried to pull away. "Ahhh" I started to flail and hit him. "Stop!"

He reached for my arms and pulled them over head. "It's because of you that I can't have him." Before he could further touch me a knock was heard and he got off to unlock the door. "Sir, here are the documents." Realizing that this was my chance I got up and took the papers away. I shouted my gratitude as I ran away to Bright's office half hard.

At his door I breathed in and out to calm myself down then walked in. "Bright?" I found him typing away on his laptop as he glanced over to me and smiled. "Bunny? What is it? Is anyone troubling you?" He stops typing as I sat in a chair across from him. I know I should tell him but it's fine. I can take care of it myself. "Yeah, I just want to drop these off to you." I handed it to him and he scanned them over. "Tawan had a meeting and couldn't hand these to you. He said something about it was off." He nodded and placed the papers in a neat stack.

Taking a closer look at me, I knew he was staring at the band aid. I looked away he reached out to caress it. "Who did this?" He sounded threatening and serious. I pulled his hand away. "No one, I promise. I fell and bumped into a sharp edge. I didn't know I was bleeding until someone pointed it out. I'm fine, really." I smiled and he seemed to buy it.

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