Win in Distressed.

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Joss P.O.V.

Ring... Ring... "Kid." I smirked at the greeting. "Sir I've done as you told me." The boss laughs and I take a drag of the cigar. "He's pretty cute and could be sold for a lot." I dropped the cigar on the ground then put it out. "Don't do anything yet. Wait until I tell you to make a move, for now keep an eye on him but don't let him see you." He hangs up and I lean against the cold brick wall. The sky looks beautiful tonight. Such a way to spend a lonely night.

Bright P.O.V.

It's always a good morning if I get to wake up to Win hugging my arm for dear life. I brush away the strands of hair covering his face and touch his lips. His lips are always plump and so full of color.

Out of nowhere he smiles and takes hold of the hand touching his lips. "I love you Bright." I froze in shock at his words and I feel the pulse of my heart rush. "Win?" After a moment of silence I knew he was still asleep. But... What was he dreaming of?

I carefully untangle myself from him and walk down stairs to make breakfast.

I decided on making pancakes and bacon. The bunny seems to have a sweet tooth because all of the sweets I bought him were gone the next day. It was nearing 10:30 when I heard him come in. I hear him walk over to the table and sit down.

"Bright?" He asks, his voice still heavy with sleep. "Nuisance?" I glanced over my back to see him looking at me with a straight face. "I think I'm gay." I laugh at his statement. "Oh, really? How did you find out?" His face turns a bright tomato and I turn back to bring the food to the table. "It was... I just know." I brought over the food and he made no move to look at me. I went to the dish rack to take utensils and plates for us then walk over to sit at the table. "Did you have a wet dream of me?" He blushes even more and doesn't spare me a glance. "Could you explain the words you said to me this morning?" He looks at me with a confused look on his face. "I heard you confess to me." He looks away but speaks. "Did...I...say...I... Love-" he gulps but continues. "-you?" I nod and take his lips and kiss him, it was light and cute but I wanted more.

We finished our breakfast in comfortable silence. The brat remained red the whole time and I was amused at him. After washing the dishes I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was Pavel. "Bright you need to meet me now. At the office." He quickly hangs up and dread the problem waiting for me. The day I have time to tease the brat is the fucking day someone gives me work.

"Nuisance." He walks in from the living room and smiles. I swear I will take this boy and - shit I can't even do anything with him right now. "I have something urgent to do so don't leave the house. If you really need to, ask me first but never invite anyone over or look through the peephole unless I'm here, understood?" He nods frantically and I walk back upstairs to change into something suitable.

After double checking the security of the house, I left in a rush for the office but not before calling Valen and Mike to come and keep an eye on the bunny.

I walked into my office to see two men tied up and on the ground. They dirty the ground and I grimace at the mess about to occur. "We couldn't do it in your office?" Pavel smirks and I frown even more. "No but yours was closer." He glances at the men then to me. "They tried to infiltrate our systems and robbed us of more than half of our budget." He pointed to Prim who stood by the side looking smug as fuck. "She managed to track them down before they could finalize they're action. Now if you mind, you know what to do." He touches the back of his neck and I glance at the two idiotic men.

They were part of Narawat's group. I grabbed one of them by the hair and face him away from me. "What does Narawat want? I know that this wasn't his only motive." The man refuses to open his mouth. I kicked his jaw and heard a pop. He attempts to scream but I wouldn't let him. I let go of his hair and kept my foot at his jaw. He must've got the memo because he silences himself. I gave him a kick to his chest and he began to give information. "He...wants...Met-" he didn't finish his words. I would not let him speak a name so pure and clean. I threw a punch to his jaw. This man would not be able to use his jaw properly anymore.

I felt the rage build in me at the thought of Narawat taking Win for his own use. I began to take off all of the anger in me at this man. Soon he became limp and no other sound was heard besides my deep breaths. I glared at the other man motioning for him to speak. I suppose he learned the mistake of his friend because he began to give all information of their task. The words that frightened me were when he said "We were told to make a distraction."


Win P.O.V.

An hour after Bright left I heard sounds from within the house. I felt a little scared and my gut told me to run or hide but I thought I was just freaking out unnecessarily. Curiosity got the better hold of me and I decided to check out the sound. It came from upstairs so I carefully walk up. The shuffling stop but I still continued to walk up. I saw that one of the windows of the upstairs living room was open. Maybe Bright didn't shut it well. I walked over to close it but suddenly hands where around me. I tried to break free but to no help I couldn't get lose. Next thing I know is that everything fades from my sight and hearing.

Bright P.O.V.

I rushed into my car and sped all the way back home. The house looked the same but the door was unlocked. I ran in and searched for him. There's a possibility he hid and the people left. I hoped that, that was the case but I saw that the window I had shut a while ago was opened and next to it was a white handkerchief. It must've been use to knock Win out. "FUCK!"

Next to it sat a neatly folded paper. I opened it but only to find a number. I called it without bothering to call on private because I knew who it would be. The person answered the phone but all I heard was a familiar voice grunt and a body fall limp to the ground. "Did you hear that, boy?" I clenched my fists. "Yes, now what do you want?" Narawat laughs. "I won't touch him just come here and we can play." I grip my phone with an intense grip. Oh we can play. "Give me the location." He quickly tells me then hangs up. I shut the door and quickly leave to my destination.

Win P.O.V.

My body ached all over. I felt light headed. I felt beat up from all the punches and kicks they gave me. I would return the favor but I was tied up and I couldn't move. I felt something sticky on my forehead and saw blood on the ground. This is going to sting when I wash it. That is if I manage to get out alive. I glanced all around me and saw two other people across from me tied up. They had nothing over there mouth and no one was around us at the moment. The man looked away but said something that surprised me. "I'm sorry Win, we were supposed to keep you safe but we failed you and Bright." I must've looked confused because the women explained it to me. "I'm Valen and this is Mike we are part of the same mafia as Bright. He knew that something like this was a potential outcome for you and we were assigned to protect you when he wasn't around. We were ambushed, I'm sorry." I nodded but dwelled on the thought that it meant that they followed me around. I never saw them around though. Before I could ask any other questions, the men came back and in between them was Bright.

I've never thought I'd be gladder to see him than now.

To be continued.

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