Maybe not everyone is bad?

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Bright P.O.V.

I rushed into Pavel's office and as I walk in he held a look of disdain and everything in the room was a catastrophe. Papers were everywhere, his coffee mug laid empty on the ground, and his eyebrows were knit. Valen and Prim were present in the office as well and Valen attempted to help Pavel from getting his blood pressure up (Although it seem to already have) and Prim typed away furiously at her laptop. "What is going on here?" I breathed out.

The whole room fell silent for a moment then once again picked up noise. Valen moved from where she was and walked towards me. "Pavel is in a lot of stress right now. I'm sure Mike informed you in on the situation but let me give you the details." She led me over to the unoccupied chairs and then began speaking. "Just a few days ago we were hacked by an unknown source. The technicians must've been high trained and used to do doing things like it because not only were they able to find the connection of the mafia and the hotel but they were also able to find out about Pavel being the head of both."

She took a deep breath. "You know how troublesome it can get if word got out and news about it spread. Not only will the hotel and mafia fall into shambles but Pavel and possibly you will get arrested. The files that we kept about the mafia, yours and Pavel's phone have been taped as well as the emails. They have enough evidence to bring us down Bright." I slammed my hand on table. How the fuck could this have happened? And who the fuck could be behind it ? No one in particular should have any interest in us and would dare to dig about us. They had guts, I'll give them that but no one will bring me, us, down.

"Prim what are you doing now?" her eyes left her computer to acknowledge me and then flicked back on to her laptop. "I'm securing all the data they have broken into and double checking on the security for the other information they may hack into. Also I'm trying to trace them down but it seems that they were professionals because they left almost no trace of them hacking besides the fact that we know someone gained information on us." I nodded my head and began to think of ways to solve the situation.

Win P.O.V.

It was already late into the night when I came back home. I finished unpacking and decided to go and make dinner. I looked through the fridge and found nothing that I could easily make without burning. Bright always cooked for us and because I'm in can't cook, microwavable foods is the only thing I'm good at. I searched up easy things to cook and found a recipe I could try. I settled on making fried chicken because apparently it was easy to make and tasted good.

I looked through the freezer to see if we had chicken breast. I found no chicken breast so I decided that I would go to the grocery store. The nearest one that was opened till late was thirty minutes away so I opted not to walk and waited for the bus.

Once I walked into the grocery store the warmth embraced me and I felt better after being in the cold for so long. I picked the chicken breast and other things I would need. I know that Bright already bought me a lot of snacks but there were other things I wanted to try so I ended filling half the cart with junk food. After paying for everything I was happy that the cost only came close to a hundred and not over it.

I don't work out so carrying a ton of bags that are filled to the brim with food wasn't so great but I made it to the bus stop. I placed the bags next to me as I made a move to grab my bus fare. "Hey, what are you doing up so late? Isn't it about your bedtime? I could take you to my house and we could find your parents in the morning." The man who spoke to me looked… scary.

I made a grab for the pocket knife that Bright gave me before leaving. He said to always keep it on me and never have I thought that it would come in handy. "Fuck off!" I shouted. The man only came closer and laughed. "That isn't anyway to address your elders. Looks like someone need to be taught a lesson." He lunged toward me but before I could back away or make a swing with the knife he tackled me to the ground and straddled me. He laughed and pinned my arms over my head. The knife in my hand was thrown away and was too far to reach.

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