A by Pass of Time

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Win P.O.V.

School was out and a month of holiday flew by. I spent the whole month showing off my ring to everyone at the office and anyone who asked about it. Some people were disgusted by the fact that I was engaged to a man but I brushed them off and gave them a punch when they insulted me. I was scared of violence but this new resolved in me caused me to act out. Bright was not happy that I got into fights but knew that I was stubborn as fuck so he offered to teach me how to give someone a real punch and how to fight for myself. Everyone should know what i'm made of.

I was glad that I didn't need to ask him. Saves me the energy of worrying that he would say no and instead keep me close to him 24/7. So within a week of training I could finally land a good punch. Although it did take me awhile to get Bright to stop being so soft when he fought me, trust me it took a lot of convincing him.

I spent most of my break getting stronger, spending time at the hotel watching Bright work (he wouldn't let me do my job), and planning the wedding. I already had in mind that I would have the wedding in May. It didn't take that much to decide that I wanted it during that time. One of the things that I love in the world is flowers. I don't know why I didn't think I was gay before I met Bright. Honestly I don't think guys loving flowers are considered gay but I love flowers as much as a girl does and I'm totally not afraid to admit it.

Next thing that I thought of was if I wanted to wear a suit or a dress. I'm pretty sure I was the girl in this relationship but I didn't mind it because it's Bright. Speaking of him, Bright said he would love me in anything I wore, even if I decided to just go in my birthday suit. I swear just the thought makes me so embarrassed. I would wear a dress but with the increasing muscle that I was building up I don't think it would look nice so I chose to wear a suit.

For the colors of our wedding I wanted to decide with Bright. I pretty much decided a lot of the main things and I want him to have a part and say to our wedding. He refused to give me his opinion and told me that he would rather go with what I wanted. It upset me so I pouted and ignored him for a whole day. He couldn't stand it and eventually gave in. So we decided on yellow and green for the wedding.

I was really excited and happy that I had someone like Bright to love me. He made me happy and seems to always blow the gray clouds away.

Bright kissed me and I kissed back. We held each other in a strong embrace as if the world would pull us apart if we let go.

The memory gave me a nostalgic feeling and made me tear up a bit. Christmas and New Year flew by but I wasn't complaining. I was excited for our wedding and to finally be bonded together.

-February, -

Bright has always been so sweet to me and this wedding has brought us closer to each other.

I started to go back to college and to study some more. I wanted to major in music and Bright was very supportive of me. I know that taking on a career in music is never easy and quick but I'm prepared for it.

We also thought about having a child. As much as I would love to give birth to Bright's children, I knew I couldn't. Bright was hesitant at first because of being in the mafia. I was worried too but I knew that we could protect our child and keep her/him safe. I would train with Bright too so I could protect them both. After pleading with him and doing a little extra sexy time, he agreed. We started to look through adoption and found an orphanage we would check out soon.

I wanted a daughter and Bright wanted one too. I would pamper him and give all he wants and dress him up as much as possible. We would go out as a family and do a lot of things together!

I started drafting our wedding invitation on a card facing landscape and so far it looked great! I wanted our wedding to be garden themed so I added a fake yellow flower that popped out at the edge of the bottom right and a fake green flower at the top left corner. In the middle in cursive were the event, date, time, and place. I had Bright double check and he said that we should add our names at the bottom and sign it with an M over an V.

After finishing it with the last touches we made more to invite our friends and in my case my parents. They lived far away and my dad and mom were popular in the medical field so they were a little disappointed when they found out I wouldn't follow in their footsteps. Although they still talked to me and supported me. They would always offer to pay for my tuition and rent but I wanted to be independent which in the end led me to Bright.

Now they would not only be surprised that I'm getting married to a man but they would also be shocked to know that I'm gay.

To be continued.

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