A family

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Bright P.O.V.

The alarm rang and it's sound pounded against my head. I didn't want to wake up early and I didn't see the point in coming early. I shut the alarm clock and laid back down, bringing Win into my arms. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone rang. I ignored it but that only made who over it was call back. But over it was, was persistent and every time the ringing stop it would pick up right after. "Bright? Who's calling you?" Annoyed at whoever it was for waking my lover I picked up the call. "What?!" I shouted irritatedly to the other side.

I kiss Win's forehead and shush him to go back to sleep. "Bright where are you? I told you, you need to come early!" Fucking Valen. Her voice was piercing and it gave me a headache. "Can't it wait?" I closed my eyes and leaned against the headboard. "No, If you want something bad to happen then no!" I sighed and carefully moved away from Win. "Fine I'll meet you in an hour." The call ended and I began to undress and dress into a suit.

I felt arms make there way around my waist and lips kiss my cheek. "Where are you going?" Just as I was buckling my watch, I turned and faced him. "I need to do something at the company, would you like to come with me?" He nodded and stripped himself of his clothes. I watched in enjoyment and licked my lips. "Do you like the view?" He began to sway his hips and I felt a little heated. "Yeah but let's do it when we get back." He pouted but I kissed it away.

In fifteen minutes we made it to the car and on our way to the hotel.


As we made it to my office I had Win wait outside. "I'm sorry bunny, just for a bit okay? If you get bored you can go see Valen. Just let me know before you go." I peppered him with kisses and then finished with a kiss to his lips. He smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah I'll go for a walk."I kiss his forehead and walked into my office, closing the door behind me.

Oddly enough I saw a letter on my desk. It was blank except for my name that was written in cursive, the penmanship was familiar. I sat at my desk and pulled open a drawer for a letter opener. Sliding it through the letter, two sheets of paper fell out. I picked up the first one and read it.

Dear Vachirawit,

I'm pretty sure I'm dead as of now if you're reading this. I really loved you, you were perfect in every way I could imagined. You grew up really fast and were slipping from my grips quickly as well. It was fun teasing you at first but it became serious when I saw you propose to him. I wanted to love you and steal you away from him. I thought I could do it but your love for him stronger than mine. I can't really say that I'm happy for you but I hope you're happy with him.

To prevent the company from falling, I settled everything for you. I have someone working on the legal documents for you and you will take over the company. As for the mafia, some may try to leave but you may do what you like with it.

I love you,

Pavel Naret Promphaopun

A tear fell from my eye unwillingly. I hated his guts and quickly wiped it away. The second paper was his will. Written at the bottom was a number and name. I suppose it's the person working on the legal documents.

After an hour passed I heard a knock and Win walked in. He handed me a steaming cup of hot tea and sat in the chair across from me. I gave him a smile and sipped from my tea. From the corner of my eyes I see him glance at the envelope on my desk. He then turns away and sips his own drink, an ice blended chocolate drink.

I placed the cup in front of me and leaned back in my chair. "Do you want to know what's in that envelope?" He shook his head and made himself comfortable on the couch. "I do but I'll let you tell me if you want to." He gave me one of his soft and gentle smiles. I nodded and turned off my computer. "Pavel must've expected the outcome of his actions and prepared for it. He handed the company and mafia over to me."

He nods as he digest the information I gave him. "What are you going to do?" He simply questions with his head tilted to the side. That's really cute of him. "I'll take the company to support us. As for the mafia, I'll disband it." He seemed to agree with me but confused as well. "I'm not saying your choice is bad but why are you disbanding it?" His eyebrows creased at the middle and I found it cute.

I smiled and looked into his beautiful eyes. "For the sake of my husband and child I want to clear my life of anything dangerous." He began to cry as a huge smile adorned his face. I walked my way to him and pulled him into an embrace. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I kissed his forehead and inhaled his comforting scent. "We-we're having a child B-Bright."

He cried out in joy and reaches in for a kiss. "I love you so much Vachirawit. I'm so happy to be your husband and to have a family with you." He leans against my chest and I hold him tighter. "I love you Metawin."

To be continued.

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