new home & new faces

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Win P.O.V.

We drove up to a luxurious house and although I was mixed with sadness and anger, I couldn't help but gawk at it. It was two floors but the exterior was just beautiful. The lawn was kept clean and had a few bushes with flowers in it. There were tall trees at both sides and beneath one of them was a swinging bench. The house itself was an off white color with a black rooftop and chimney.

The car came to a halt and we walked into the house. "Okay brat, I expect you to clean up for yourself and not cause any trouble." I nodded and awkwardly stood there. "I know I have a lot of guest rooms here but you are going to sleep with me." I was about to disagree but he spoke quickly before I did. "If I have any unexpected visits it would be questionable if we didn't share a room." I fumed at it. I hated sharing beds with people. They always ended up taking up more than half of it.

He gestured for me to follow him and he took majority of my bags, the heavy ones to be precise. The living room was neat with leather furnishing. There in the middle was a chimney and lucky for me there was no animal head on the wall or a bear rug. I would've lost it if I had to live seeing that every morning. Although i'm afraid of animals, Animals are living creatures too.

I followed Bright up the stairs and there was a second living room right in front of me with a large TV hanging from the wall. A little further to the left was the hall way and there was about five different doors. Three at one side and two at the other. At the very end of the hallway was a long window that reach from the bottom of the floor to the ceiling. From it you can see the houses and streets next to the right of the house.

My thoughts were pulled away when an arm yanked me into a room. I was thrown into the bed and I yelped. He was undressing and I started to feel discomfort. "Don't get your panties in a knot kid. I'm not going to do anything to you, yet." He whispered the last part and I barely heard it. Wait. Did he just say panties? "I'm a man, thank you. I don't wear panties nor am I a kid." I cross my arms over as I sat up. "Tch." He looked away and walked into another door in the room. I guess this was the master bedroom.

I left just to explore the rooms. It seems that I just left from the side with two doors. Our room was closer to the stairs on this side. I walked to the door across from ours and it was just another room the one next to it was a bathroom. The other two were more extra rooms. I sat at the top living room and glance at the clock next to the TV. It was 12:00am. I laid back into the couch clutching on to a cushion. I was soon drawn into a black abyss.

Bright P.O.V.

Right after I left the bathroom I found no sight of the brown eyed brat. Maybe he thought he could run. He could but even if he did I would still be able to find him. Maybe he was as stupid as I thought he was and all that sense of justice for his friends just went down the drain. After all humans can get desperate to save their asses and will do what they can. I walked out and before I descended the stairs to retrieve the brat, I saw him soundly asleep on the couch. He looked so serene.

I walked over to him but before I could reach out to carry him to the room he let out a scream and latched into me. He was shaking uncontrollably. I could feel his breathing go rigid as he sobs onto my shoulder.

I stood there frozen in shock like an idiot. After a moment passed his sobbing died down. He pulled away and he shifts his gaze to the ground. I'll ask him in the morning about all this commotion. But for now I'll leave him be. "Sorry for... Getting on you like that." He took a shaky breathe. I nodded and took his hand. "Let's get some sleep before tomorrow." He didn't try to resist my hold on him. Maybe he could be submissive to me.

I lifted him into my arms, the way a bride would be carried, and he let out a yelp before leaning in to my arms. He must've wanted security and comfort. I brought him over to our bed and began to undress him. He reached out to stop my hand. "I'm not letting you sleep in these filthy clothes." He finally looked up at me and his eye were puffy. " I- I can change myself." He got up and quickly grabbed a bag of his and rushed into the bathroom. This brat really knows how to intrigue me.

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