Who is it now?!

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Bright P.O.V.

Ring… Ring… Ring…

Just who the fuck is calling me on my day off! My eyes slowly adjusted to darkness of the room as I reached over to pick up my phone. "What?" I didn't feel like yelling and my bunny was sleeping next to me. "Good morning to you too Bright." He chuckled and I frowned. "On a side note, I' am fully aware that it is your day off today." I heard shuffling and a door close. "But I need you to help me seal a deal with another big corporation." I gently and reluctantly untangle myself from Win and softly closed the door. I sat on our second floor living room and crossed my arms. "What do you want me to do?"

Of all the things we've done in the past, most weren't the greatest. "I need you to make sure that they agree and not dare to go back on their words or backstab us." I hummed. "But go about this like any normal deal would go. Don't scare them off Bright." I chuckled. "Of course not, when is this meeting?" The sound of an engine roaring sounded faintly in the background. "Right now, so get ready and I'll text you the address and the time of the meeting." He hung up and a minute later I had the information that I needed.

It was eight in the morning, on my day off, and all I wanted to do was make love to my bunny and spend the day with him. I guess today was just not my day. I grumpily picked a suit and changed into it. I showered the night before so all I needed to do was spray my cologne. I left a note for Win, apologizing to him and telling him I love him. Hopefully he won't be too mad.

Win P.O.V.

I felt great waking up, he finally gave me a break from all those sleepless nights and for once my back and legs feel great again! I stretched my arms and felt paper. Immediately I knew Bright wasn't here. I felt sad but I felt like the paper would answer it all. I picked up and read its contents. There was nothing too important besides him letting me know that he would be busy because he was called in and apologizing for it as well as letting me know that he loves me.

I shrugged it off and thought about other ways to kill time. I glanced around the room and by the side of me I saw the stack of wedding invitations lying neatly on the desk. We recently finished the invitations and I was ready to send and deliver them out. I got dressed and decided to head to the post office first. We both had a handful who we wanted to invite and didn't mind it, I actually liked it that way.

On Bright's list he was inviting Pavel and Valen, of course, Gunsmile, Gulf, and Mew. I rarely know the last three besides them being friends with Bright. My list had a bit more than him but it wasn't that much in my opinion but he didn't mind. I was inviting Rachel, JJ, my parents, Chimon, Gun, and Off.

I definitely would need to be mailing out invitations to six people in total from Bright's and my list. I took the bus there rather than take a taxi since I missed looking out the windows and just going on an adventure. I quickly mailed everything double checking the addresses and making sure that the flower in the invitation wouldn't be smashed. From here I would bus to Rachel's workplace and give two invitations to her, for JJ too.

The bell chimed and I was tackled into a bear hug by Rachel. She removed herself for me after five minutes had gone by, I learned not to fight it, and examined me. "Okay, so he didn't hurt you. Why are you visiting me today? Did you miss me?" She chuckled. I shook my head and reached into my messenger bag for the invitations. I waved it in front of her and she held back tears. "I know that sometimes, ok maybe not sometimes, but I know that I can be a bit dramatic and seem to hold you down but actually seeing the invitation really makes me happy for you. To know that he is really serious about it, now it's only for a while until I see you walk down the aisle to him." She hugged me again but this time kissed my check.

"I'm really happy for you but for once and ever just let that small kiss aside." She blushed and I smiled. "What kiss?" We laughed and she made me a chocolate drink. As she handed it to me, her co-worker, Nanon, walled in. Rachel froze and nervously looked at me and fidgeted as she handed me the drink. I smirked and hugged her. "He's looking this way and seems jealous." I whispered into her ear and I could feel the heat in her face rise more. I squeezed her and let go. "Invite him to come with you too." I spoke quietly and encourage her to go speak to her co-worker. I smiled and waved bye as she reciprocated.

All that's left now is to head to the hotel. Once I made it to the hotel I went to Pavel's office thinking that I could also find Valen in there too, since she loves to bug him. Surprisingly I didn't find her or Pavel there, so instead I went to Valen's office. Through the glass office I could see that she was writing on some paper. I knocked twice before getting an approval to come in. "Win! Nice to see you! Where's the big wolf?!" she hugged me and looked behind me. "He's not with me, he said he was called in for work but surprisingly I didn't see him at his office on my way to Pavel's." She laughed and rested her arm on my shoulder. "Right! Bright and Pavel are on a mission right now, a mission to seal an important deal with a company!" I nodded, not really interested. I smiled and took out an invitation for her and Pavel. "These are for you and Pavel. I hope you can make it!"

She quickly pulled both invitations out of my hand and pinched my checks. "Of course we'll make it! Don't worry I'll also bring some extra booze!" A knock sounded before I could speak and we both turned to see another employee waiting outside the door. He carried a few documents in his hands and I took it as sign to leave. "Thanks so much Valen! I'll see you soon." She smiled and I let the guy in as I left.

My last stop is too the front desk. I couldn't wait to see Love! She's one of my favorite co-workers here. As the elevator doors open I could see her typing at her computer. I decided that I would sneak up on her and slowly made my way. Sadly she noticed before I could even scare her. "I can see your reflection Win." She giggled. I frowned jokingly and sat on the empty chair next to her.

She turned to me and smiled. "Why are you here today? Shouldn't you be relaxing?" she raised an eyebrow but all I did was reach out for the invitation in my bag.

I didn't expect much of a reaction from her but I definitely wasn't expecting this. "Here is an invitation to my wedding, Bright was busy so I decided to go on an adventure and-" Immediately she ripped the invitation from my hands and her face turned sour.

I sat there quivering for a bit as she muttered to herself and avoided my eye contact. "Wedding huh?." I was confused and scared about this new side to her. In a blink of an eye she changed her facial expression and it became the sweet kind face that I remembered. "Are you ok? You don't look so well." I shook my head sideways and tried to shake off the uneasiness I felt. "Uh, sorry. I just had a blank moment." She smiled sweetly and touched my hand. "Thank you for this invitation, Win." I felt really uncomfortable and made a run for it. "No problem, it's getting kind of late so I should make it home now before Bright gets worried." I smiled and speed walk to the bus stop.

Was I just imagining it?

To be continued.

Should i call myself queen of drama and conflict? 🤣

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