I do

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Win P.O.V.

Within a week we finished planning our wedding. Bright also wanted it to be safe so we hired bodyguards to patrol in and outside of the party. A few days after we also adopted our children. We wanted one child at first but the moment we saw them we couldn't help but chose them both.

Our Son Light is the youngest of the two. He was barely six years old but was very smart and enthusiastic. His light skin complimented his dark chocolate hair. His eyes were black, the orphanage had told us that because of his eyes so dark, he had a difficult time getting adopted but I couldn't help but fall in love with it. His cute button nose and rosy lips added to his handsome face he really lookalike Bright.

Tine was a bit older by two years. He had dark hair with fair skin. He's eyes are warm brown. He always smiled to everyone, he look like adorable bunny. I love him as my own too but Bright love him more.They get along so well that Tine opened up to Bright quicker.

When we decided on them both we were quick to fill the papers and welcome them to our home. Soon the guest rooms were filled in by them and they were happy to have their own rooms. The house became louder and even more happier when they moved in.

In a blink of eye our wedding day came and I couldn't have been any more happier.

Rachel and JJ were helping the kids get ready while Bright and I prepared ourselves. As of now I was getting ready in one of the rooms of the hotel we choose. I made sure that they had a lot of flowers and trees growing in their open areas for our wedding. While I waited for time to pass I glanced at my phone and saw the picture I took with my parents and Bright. My mom and dad loved Bright the moment they saw him. We picked them up at the airport and he was very courteous to them. It was sad to hear that Bright didn't have parents but from now on it won't be that way. My parents would also be his and he could also get doted upon.

I was having my mom tie my tie because Bright couldn't do it, he wasn't allowed to see me yet. My mom sobbed as she tied it and I tried to wipe all of it away without her makeup getting ruined. "Oh don't worry about it Metawin!" She laughed and finished tying it. "You look so handsome!" She took a photo and hugged me. "I'm so happy I could fly!" I laughed this time and placed my yellow flower crown on my head. My mom smiled and took another photo. I couldn't help but feel overjoyed.

Bright P.O.V.

I was wondering how Win was doing. He couldn't tie his own tie and I was worried. "You seem worried Bright?" I look behind me as Win's dad took a seat. "Yes, I'm worried he won't be able to tie his tie." His dad laughed and smiled. "Oh that rascal! Don't worry about him, his mother is there so rest assure." I nodded and put the green flower crown on my head. I smiled as I thought about Win in his own attire. He would look dashing.

Suddenly an arm reached over my shoulder and a camera was being held in front of me. "Come on now. Let's take a photo!" I felt a little embarrassed but smiled anyway. He glanced at his watch and soon I was being dragged. "Let's go to the altar now. It's about time we wed you both!" I was pushed through the doorway and immediately my palms became a little sweaty.

We walked out into the garden and people's head turned our way. A lot took out their camera's and some whistled. Valen waved at the front row and held out a video camera. I chuckled and walked quickly to the altar. I stood straight and tall while waiting for my husband.

Soon the soft sounds of a guitar played through and the singer sang. I glanced down the aisle and saw my husband as our children trailed behind him. He was fitted into a black tuxedo and dark green vest that emphasized his built body. He's smile shined as the sun glisten down on him. His bouquet was made up of yellow and green flowers, although in the middle was a white flower. I picked out the arrangement because I wanted the white flower signify the innocence and purity that I see in him and that he would be my only one. The yellow flower crown adorned his head and made him look even more beautiful. "My Win…" I mumbled.

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