Maybe I'm Delusional?

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Bright P.O.V.

I came home to an empty house and was worried sick. I dialed Win's phone number but he didn't pick up. My heart started to beat faster so without a single idea of where he would be I picked up my keys and drove around the block. It's possible he may be coming home from his friend's house or taking a stroll.

Sure I'm mad that he didn't pick up but he may be mad that I just left a note and left him alone. I hit the car wheel and gritted my teeth in frustration. I made a turn and saw a familiar chocolate colored hair in sight. I slowly pulled up to the park and saw him sit down and look up into the sky. Win! My Win! He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Was he worried about something? I parked the car and got out to run to him. When I was near I slowed my pace and sat next to him. He seemed so busy in his thoughts that he didn't seem to notice me. Just what could be bothering him?

I decided to make a move and kissed him on the lips. He immediately came out of his trance and began to push me away. That's right, you can't kiss anyone but me. His eyes were close and he stuttered. "Y-you can't kiss me, I'm engaged!" He began to wipe his lips and open his eyes to face me. "Hi." I smirked and he blushed. "Bright! You can't just do that! You scared me!" he punched my chest and then leaned against it. "At least you knew not to kiss anyone but me, as a matter of fact, you can't do any lewd things with anyone either." I picked up his chin so we could see eye to eye. "You are mine Metawin and I' am yours."

He blushed and kissed my lips. "I know." He seemed to have calmed down so now would be the right time to ask him about earlier. "You're not mad at me? I'm sorry for leaving you today." I held him in my arms. He looked up at me and scrunched his eyebrows. "What?! Of course not! What would make you think that?" I shook my head and kiss his temple.

"You just look stressed, are you alright?" He smiled and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "No, it's just the wedding is coming soon and I'm a bit nervous." I squeezed him in my arms for assurance. "You'll be fine. I love you no matter what." I heard him giggle and man was it music to my ears. "I love you to the moon and back." I felt heat rising to my checks and my chest warming up. I coughed and snuggled next to him. "So why haven't you answered my call from earlier?" He sat up and moved to reach for his phone. He looked at it and attempted to turn on, only thing was it couldn't.

"It died didn't it?" He kisses my check and looks at me. "I'm sorry, don't be mad? I think it died after texting people all day. I just went out to deliver invitations to our guests." He pouted and batted his eyelashes.

Oh boy, he's definitely the death of me.

I lifted him up and carried him as a man would pick up his love. "Come on, I want to take you out for a date." He blushes and nods. "Okay."

-Next Day-

Win P.O.V.

Today I would be working with Love at the front desk. Truthfully I somewhat lied to Bright yesterday. I mean sure I was nervous about the wedding but something about Love bugs me, I just don't know why she acted that way. I don't understand why she look not pleased and I'm curious to what kind of relationship they have.

I shouldn't care about who he has dated before me but it makes me jealous since the girls I've liked before I've only held hands with. It's sad but it was a little awkward for me. It just really angers me to think that Bright d-did it with someone else!

It was a little awkward with Love and all we did was wave high to each other. An hour passed before Bright called Love through the desk phones. I felt jealousy fill me up and I began to bite my lip. "What did he say?" I asked her. She attempted to look innocent but I could see her smug look. "Nothing, he just wants me to come to his office." I began to shake my leg and ball my hands into fists. "Why?" She turns around and begins to walk. "I have no idea." She shrugs and her heels click as she walks.

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