Goodbye Friend

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Win P.O.V.

My head throb as I slowly blinked. "Bright?" I softly called out to him. Upon hearing a dark chuckle my eye shot open and attempted to make out shapes from the dim room. "Who's there?" I breathed out. I felt scared but my biggest question was where Bright is. A tall man came out from the shadows and I gritted my teeth. He smiled mischievously and sat at the end of the bed. He reached out for me but I swatted his hand away.

To this he frowned and stood up. "You're in no position to disobey me, Win." I tried to get up and run but I immediately collapsed onto the floor and in the process hitting my head against a drawer. "It's a shame that you've come this far." He chuckled darkly. "I thought he would get tired of you and throw you away." He crouched down and took my face in his hand. "Just like all his other play toys." I spat in his face and cursed. "Fuck you."

I was then lift up from the ground and thrown across the room. I could feel the blood trail from my head as droplets of it fell onto my lap. I was slouched against the wall and feeling drugged. "What the hell did you do to me?" Instead of answering me he got up and kicked me.

Over and over again. I felt like a rag doll and time wouldn't pass as quickly as I wanted it to. After he got tired I could hear the small breaths from him and my shallow breathing. It pained me to breathe because every intake of breath was another needle of pain to my body. "W-where's Bright." At that he then started to chuckle leading up to a craze laughter. He stop abruptly and pulled me up to his eye level by my hair. "He's anywhere but by my side thanks to you." He threw me to the ground. My eyes started to see small forms of black dots and then grew into bigger ones. Although before I fainted from all the pain I managed to faintly hear a few words. "Bright… I will make you suffer for what you've done to me." A door was slammed shut and my breathing seemed to cease as the black dots took over my vision.


Bright P.O.V.

"Perth!" I needed as much manpower as I could get my hands on if I wanted to save Win. Anyone who is on my side will be willing to fight for me. "Okay?!" He shouted over the chattering crowd. I motioned him to my spot and he ran over. "How many are here?" It didn't matter if all of the mafia members were here. All that matter was if all the mafia members residing here on my side were present. "About 200 sir." I nodded and glanced around. Thankfully the majority here looked strong. "Lose the sir and refer to me as Bright. Gather them all up." He saluted me and shouted to the crowd. "Give us your attention!"

The men turned around and gathered nearer to us. "Yes sir!" I frowned and glanced away, all there's left is to wait for Prim's to give us the coordinates and we move. "Prepare yourselves and be ready on command. No fooling around!" Another wave of yes sirs were shouted and I sat on a nearby bench.

If I get my hands on Pavel I will kill him. "Si- I mean, Bright, What do we plan to do once were at the destination?" I motioned for him to sit besides me. "Once Prim gives us the coordinates we round up the men and hurry to the location. We break up into a group of four, you and me are already one. We'll have them attack from the front and sides." I paused as he absorbed all the information. "So that means that me and you will go from the back while chaos ensues and find Win from there?" I nodded. I knew he was the right candidate for my right hand.

He stood up and inform the group of the plan. After a few minutes I heard my phone go off. I answered it but waited for the other line to speak. "Hmmmm, silent aren't we? Well you won't be so silent anymore after you've seen the artwork I've done on him." I stood up and walked away from the farm house that we resided in. "What did you do to him Pavel? I'm tired of playing games. Just fucking come out and face me you asshole!" I was losing it. My poor Win could be on the verge of life or death.

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