School Club day - 1

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"Hey guys, you are all here." Inseong says.

Rowoon looks up from his meal, he sees a beautiful man standing in front of them.  'Wow, he looks like a fairy.' he thinks to himself.

Inseong is standing behind Seolhyun.  He looks really tall, may be just a few centimeters shorter than him.  He dyed his hair into silverish colour, it matches really well with his fair skin.  He is wearing a diamond earrings, which makes him sparkle with the reflection of the sun.  He casually flex his angelic smile, and the girls surrounding him gasp.

Inseong put the weight of his hands on the back of Seolhyun's chair, and pout his lips acting innocent "Why did you guys start having lunch without me?"

"Ah, Inseong oppa, we didn't know that you are coming in today. We thought you have shooting today." Hyeyoon explains.

Inseong's brows go up, he asks softly "Seolhyuna, is it true? You think I have a schedule today?"

Seolhyun nods with a poker face, her body is so stiff that she looks like a robot.

All eyes at the cafeteria are looking at them.  It's well known that Hyeyoon, Seolhyun and Inseong are the golden triangle of Seoul University.  They always hang out with each other and where ever they go, the will be admirers around.  The funny thing is Hyeyoon and Seolhyun are best friends, Hyeyoon and Inseong are very close as well, but for some reasons, Seolhyun seems to hate Inseong so much.  No one has seen her smiling at Inseong, and Inseong does not seem to be bothered by this.

The table went awkwardly silent for a moment, and Rowoon catches Hyeyoon's quick smirk on her face. He is confused.

"Oh right, Inseong oppa, let me introduce my friend, this is Rowoon, he just transferred to your department, you may see him around in the architecture building." Hyeyoon tries to change the topic.

Inseong shakes hands with Rowoon, then he turns to Hyeyoon and ask "So Rowoon is your new boyfriend?"

Rowoon thins his lips....NEW boyfriend? So there was an old boyfriend? Or boyfriends??? Why have I heard nothing about it?

"Ya, Inseong oppa, stop joking around, there is no new boyfriend, there is no boyfriend at all. Stop starting rumors!" Hyeyoon yells at Inseong.

Inseong gives out the most innocent kitty smile and shrugs his shoulders. Not bothered at all.

"Anyway, Seolhyun is trying to persuade Rowoon into modelling.  Oppa, aren't you in the same company as Seolhyun? Tell me what you think." Hyeyoon is really excited by the idea of Rowoon becoming a model.

Inseong is Seolhyun's senior at Summer Modeling Company (SMC). That's how they know each other. Ironically, Inseong and Hyeyoon are closer to each other, while him and Seolhyun never clicked.

Inseong asks Rowoon to stand up and turn around, and he gives Rowoon's arm a little squeeze.  "Rowoon has great potential as a model, especially with his superior height.  There is an audition next month, why don't you try it out?"

"Sounds great, count me in." Rowoon thanks Inseong.  Whatever Hyeyoon wants, Hyeyoon gets.

The chatting continues throughout the lunch. Meanwhile, Seolhyun still stiff as hell, but she manages to glance at Inseong a few times.


Second day of school - school club day

Looks like it's gonna be a routine from now on, Rowoon is inside Spring cafe buying a mocha for Hyeyoon.  She mentioned that she likes morning coffee, so here he is.  There is still sometime before meeting with Hyeyoon, Rowoon browses around and he notices something. He then goes on chatting with the store owner.

Rowoon gets out of the cafe, he sees a tall figure passing by, there are girls already waiting for him and taking photos of him.  "Isn't he the guy Hyeyoon talked to yesterday just before we met? He seems popular." Rowoon's forehead creases.  He doesn't like the way Hyeyoon was talking to him. "Why does everyone around Hyeyoon looks gorgeous? Did she cast a spell or something?". Rowoon is feeling insecure.

He remembers when they were little, there were only the two of them, just them.  But now, she has other friends, or she may even have boyfriend....this is something new and strange to him. He begins imagining Hyeyoon kissing with Zuho....gosh, it's killing him! Rowoon shakes his head and forces himself to stop from being so silly.

Hyeyoon giggles while Rowoon is day dreaming. She has arrived and been watching Rowoon for a while. He is the cutest, she thinks.

She also notices Zuho on her way to the cafe.  He is wearing a black tracksuit today, still trendy as hell.  She wonders if he is in one of the sport clubs.

Back to the cafe, Hyeyoon gently touches Rowoon's arm. "Is this for me?" She looks at the coffee.

Rowoon is startled, he replies "Yes, it's a hot mocha. There are so many options, I don't know which one to get. But I know you like sweet, so I picked mocha."

Hyeyoon smiles "Just the way I like it, thanks Rowoon, you are the best." Rowoon blushes.

"If you want, I can get you this everyday."

"Oh aren't you on tight budget? You don't have to...."

"It's ok, I just got a part time job here. The owner said I am chatty, it's good for business." Rowoon chuckles.

"You didn't get a job just to get me free coffee right? That's..."

"Oh no no no. I just need a job, that's all." That's definitely a yes, Ms Kim....


It's now after lunch hour, the school club event has begun.

Hyeyoon is checking out club booths with Rowoon. And rumors of the two are flying around.

"Who is that guy with Hyeyoon?" "He is new student? He looks tall." "Why is Hyeyoon with him? He looks like a nerd." "He is cute though, so Hyeyoon likes cute guy, huh?" "Look at the way they look at each other, there is something going on, isn't it?" "What? Hyeyoon smiles at him? No....She is mine, arrrrr."

Hyeyoon and Rowoon has just finished joining the acting club and they runs into Chani.

"Noona!" Chani calls.

"Hey Chani, we've seen your performance yesterday, it's so cool. By the way, this is my friend Rowoon, he just joined the acting club."

Chani shakes hands with Rowoon. "Ar, so you are the guy everybody has been talking about huh? Do you know you already have a nickname? Mr. Telepole?"

Rowoon looks at Chani.  He has the most beautiful sparkling eyes.  When he looks straight at him, Rowoon feels like his soul is stolen by him. He looks so innocent and cute.  If he is Hyeyoon's puppy, then Chani is his.  He likes him.  Its probably the second time Rowoon has this strange feeling, Chani is so adorable, he just want to put him in his pocket.  Wait wait wait, wakes up Rowoon, Hyeyoon is always No. 1. Stop it now.

"Telepole? What? Telepole? Hahaha, this is so funny! Aiya, my stomach, haha." Hyeyoon  is laughing so hard, her stomach hurts. They all burst into laughter.

"Hey noona, you know I have also been casted in that new drama, we are going to be a thing!"

Rowoon freezes.  What? His cutie pies is going to date his puppy? What? No no no, Kang Chani, I just start liking you, and you do this to me? My cutie pie is gonna starting dating....what if they kiss? This is the second time today Rowoon imagining Hyeyoon kissing other guys, he is going crazy.

Chani feels a sharp gaze from Rowoon.  He excuses himself. "The script is not out yet, I guess it's too early to call it a thing, haha.  Oh, Bora is waiting for me, I better get going, see you guys around!"


Rowoon and Hyeyoon is heading towards the sport clubs area.  Rowoon is still upset about Hyeyoon and Chain's thingy, but he does not dare to ask.

"So what's up with Inseong hyung and Seolhyun? I saw you smirked when hyung talked to Seolhyun yesterday." Rowoon asks.

"Oh them!" Hyeyoon roll her eyes.

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