The cake

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Hyeyoon is excited by the news the director has just broken to her. They are having one week filming break during the holiday season.

It's been a hectic month, filming has almost occupied her entire time.  She was only able to see Rowoon at home.  Most of the time Rowoon would be sleeping already when she got home late. Sometimes he would stay up and wait for her, but she would be too tired to do anything.

Today is their second month anniversary and Christmas Eve, she has decided to make him a cake.  She has never done it before, so she asked Seolhyun to help her out.

She has arrived Seolhyun's place, well it's Inseong's place actually.  She's been staying in his place almost everyday, like she's attracted by this giant magnet.  And everytime they video chat, Inseong is always at the background.  To be honest, she is so jealous of them.

Seolhyun opens the door and says "Happy anniversary to the cutest couple!" She gives Hyeyoon a big hug, they haven't seen each other for ages. "I miss you Hyeyoona."

"Do you really have time to miss me? I thought you are preoccupied by someone already?" Hyeyoon teases Seolhyun, she looks around, the house is big and modern.  It's not as big as the Busan villa, but considering its located at the heart of Seoul city, it's huge.

"Wow, is oppa really rich or something? This place is huge." Hyeyoon keeps looking around, she spots a lots of expensive furnitures and decors.

Seolhyun shrugs "He never say anything about it, and I never ask." She opens the kitchen cabinet and gets the ingredients ready.

"Wow, look at you, you look like you actually live here, you know where everything is." Hyeyoon looks at Seolhyun in the kitchen, she really gives out a house wife vibe here.

This gets Seolhyun really excited, she runs towards Hyeyoon and holds her hands. "You know what he did last night? He spared a section of his dressing room for me!"

Hyeyoon is confused "What is so special about it?"

Seolhyun rolls her eyes. "Don't you get the symbolism? It means that I am invited into his life, it's big!"

Hyeyoon widens her eyes, she keeps nodding. "Wow, you are one lucky girl! You are so lucky he waited for you for so long. He must love you a lot!"

Seolhyun acts shy and lets out a sweet smile "I know right? Isn't he too perfect? He is handsome, smart, cute and super caring!" Seolhyun can't praise Inseong enough. "Speaking of which, don't you have a perfect prince yourself?"

"That's true." She copies Seolhyun. "He is handsome, tall, sexy, cute, and he cooks for me everyday! Haha. Okay, enough show off, where is Inseong oppa?"

"He is still sleeping inside his room, we will probably wake him up when we start making the cake."


Inseong is waked by the stand mixer's noise from the kitchen.  He sits up and stretches himself.  He checks the clock, it's 11:30am, he yawns.

Inseong touches his lips and smiles like an idiot as he recalls about last night.  It's was a bit crazy.  He remembers the moment he showed Seolhyun the empty section of the dressing room, and how happy she looked, it's so worth it.  In return, she gave him like a thousand kisses and herself to him.  They even forgot about dinner.

He gets up from the bed and puts on a pair of shorts, his legs are still sore.  He puts on a silky morning gown and looks for his lover.

"Good morning love, what are you....." He walks out of his room with his chest half exposed and freezes as soon as he sees Hyeyoon in the kitchen.

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