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Hyeyoon's 'I live alone' episode was aired last week.  Not only does she get more popular, Rowoon even gets a few offers for drama casting.  Youngbin also mentioned to Rowoon that he noticed a lots more customers after the episode.

Today, Hyeyoon goes to her company to have meeting with her manager to discuss her next project.  There are few dramas and movie offers, but one stands out to her.  It's an audition to an US drama.

"Hyeyoona, we are a little surprised with this audition offer, but your drama has done so well, even the US market is looking into it.   And they praise your acting a lot.  This particular audition would be a really good opportunity for you.  You should consider this one." Manager Kim offers her advice.

Hyeyoon hesitates.  She really wants to try out for the audition.  Whether she gets casted or not, she will be able to learn from the experience.  However, she is not ready to leave everything behind in Korea.

Manager notices her hesitation. "It's just an audition, you can decide whether you want to go or not once they give you the offer.  Plus, you can still choose another project to work on in the meanwhile if you wants to strengthen the foundation here in Korea."

Hyeyoon nods. "Unnie, you are right.  I will do that."

"That's my girl.  Here is the scripts that you can use for practice.  The audition will be scheduled next month."

Another month has passed. It's been really hot this summer.  Hyeyoon and Seolhyun are having a girls' night tonight.

They are having Korean barbeque nearby Hyeyoon's neighborhood.  Seolhyun's reading the manual as Hyeyoon joins her the restaurant. "Hey sweetie, I am going to order Korean beef, pork belly, some veggies and beers. Do you have anything to add?"

"I want cow intestines and soju." Hyeyoon puts down her bag beside her.  She is fully dressed up, but she looks tired today.

"Where have you been? you look tired." Seolhyun asks as she pours a glass of soju for Hyeyoon.

Hyeyoon picks up the glass and finishes half of it in one go.  Seolhyun is surprised, Hyeyoon is not a really a good drinker.  "I had a meeting with my manager, she told me today that I got an offer from a US drama." Hyeyoon looks down on the table, she does not look happy about the news at all.

"Oh, isn't it a good thing? Why do you look so sad?"

"US drama is different, it usually has many seasons, I may have to stay there for years."

"What!?" Seolhyun almost drops her glass.  She frowns "You mean you are leaving us for years? How did Rowoon take it?"

Hyeyoon sighs "I haven't told him anything yet, that's the problem." She spins her glass a little and takes another sip.

"So....have you make the decision yet?"

"No.....I am torn.  I really want to go, but at the same time, I don't want to go.......if you know why I mean....."  she took another sip of soju before she speaks again.  "If I go, I know I shouldn't let Rowoon wait, but I also don't want to lose him." Hyeyoon raises both of her hands and looks up at the ceiling, like she is talking to God. "Why does it have to be so hard."

Seolhyun nods, she understands Hyeyoon's frustration. "Well, it's only a few hours flight. It's not that bad."

Hyeyoon sighs. "Have you seen a long distance relationship that actually works out? Cause I haven't." She finishes her glass of soju. "Remember my cousin who went to Japan for study? She ended up breaking up with her boy friend just 2 months after she moved."

Seolhyun nods to agree "I get that, but you should give Rowoon more credit, you know how much he loves you."

Hyeyoon pauses, then pours herself another glass of soju.  "And I love him too, which is why I don't want to end up like my cousin, it was really bad at the end.  I rather just end it now if I decide to go.  It would be selfish if I ask Rowoon to wait when I don't even know when I will be back."

Seolhyun takes her hand and holds it tight. "Whatever decision you make, I will be there for you." This is the only thing she can do, because she knows she is not in position to tell her what to do.

"But I want you to know, Rowoon will always support you no matter what decision you make."

Hyeyoon sighs again. "I know, but I don't want to take advantage of that."

"Sounds like you have already make up your mind." Seolhyun's eye brow goes up.

"It's a once in a life time opportunity, I don't want to regret after if I don't take this offer." She is still young, there are a lots that she wants to experience and explore, and the opportunity is right in front of her.

"Then you better tell Rowoon soon, he needs the time to process this.  When will you have to confirm?"

"In one week."


Hyeyoon comes home after filming, Rowoon is already at the kitchen cooking.  "Hey Babe, I made you japchae tonight." Rowoon speaks to Hyeyoon while placing a few side dishes on the table.

"Baby, you don't have to cook all the time.". Hyeyoon is feeling guilty.  What she is about to tell him is unforgivable.

"I don't have work today, so I want to make something for you."  He walks to her and kisses her on the cheek. "Go sit down, dinner is almost ready."

Hyeyoon sits down at the dining table, doesn't say another word.  Rowoon places the dishes on the table and they start eating.

"My mom sent me the kimchi, I remember you like it. Come on, have some." Rowoon picks up some kimchi and puts it on Hyeyoon's bowl.  She just nods.  She is playing her food with the chopsticks.  She hasn't starts eating yet.

"How's the girls' night yesterday? I haven't seen Seolhyun since the summer starts.  I haven't even seen her in the company.". Rowoon takes a bites at the Japchae.  "Umm, the Japchae seems a bit salty, what do you think?"

Hyeyoon just nods, she seems totally out of it.  she hasn't said a word tonight, and she doesn't even look at him.

"Babe, what's going on? Did something happen at work?" Rowoon frowns and asks.

Hyeyoon puts down the chopsticks, she takes a deep breath, her mouth is shaking.  "Rowoona, I need to tell you something.  It's about work."

Rowoon puts down his chopsticks and looks at Hyeyoon.  She sounds serious.  "I am listening."

Hyeyoon looks up "I got an offer for a requires me to station in US for a least a year, may be longer, depending on how many seasons they are making."

Rowoon's gets a chill from his spine.  His forehead creases, "Have you made the decision yet?" He sounds a little shaky.

"I have not confirm them yet. But, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, I hope you understand."

He understands, but it doesn't mean that he won't get upset. He just can't say anything supportive right now.  He looks down at the table and bites his lips.

"Rowoona, I can't ask you to wait for would be very selfish of me."

Rowoon stands up, holding his fists tight.  He pauses for a moment, then walks out of Hyeyoon's home.

"I am sorry, Rowoona."


I already have the ending planned at this point, but before it ends, of course there will be a twist.  It's going to be a bit upsetting, please bare with me for a few chapters.

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