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"Good morning! Welcome to MyeongCafe!" Seulgi welcomed her first costumer. 

"Hi, I'll have an Iced Americano."

"Sure sir, under what name?"

"Oh, right, Jaehyun!" The guy said.

"Alright sir, Iced Americano for Jaehyun guys!" She said.

"2 dollars, Sir." Seulgi said.

"I receive 5 dollars, I give 3. Here's your change sir, please wait on this side for your order." Seulgi said pointing at the spot and smiled again.

She continued to take the orders of her costumers, until she finished her shift.

"Jeez, I never thought that smiling all day would be tiring. Ugh.. my back's hurting." She hissed and stretched her body a little.

"Endure this. You're lucky enough to work at weekends. I have to admit, you did a very good job there." The manager and owner of the cafe said.

"O-Oh.. miss Yoona, thank you very much." Seulgi said shyly and bowed.

"Hey, don't be too formal, I want my employees to be comfy around me." Yoona said smiling making Seulgi sigh in relief.

"I really mean it, honestly.. I just started working now, so I'm nit very used to this ambience. Thank you for understanding, Ms Yoona."

"Aigoo, don't worry, you'll get used to this. At don't force your self too much at work, you're a working student, so if you need to study for upcoming exams, just tell me, alright?"

"I will, thank you again, miss Yoona, hehe."

"No problem, anyways, where do you study? Nearby?"

"Ahm, yes. I study at SMU."

"Really? My niece goes there too!" Yoona said in surprise.


"Her name is Ba---" Yoona said but got cut off by a phone call and excused herself.

Seulgi nodded her head and changed her clothes. She's done for today, and she'll come back tomorrow.

"Hey, can you tell Ms Yoona that I'll go? They're searching for me already at home." Seulgi said to her co-worker, Saeron.

"Sure sure, see you tomorrow!"


Bully - SeulRene [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now