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"Joohyun! Why did you call?" Her aunt Yoona said as she picked up.

"Hi auntie! Mom said you missed me hehe."

"Oh gosh, your mom. But it's true! I have a new recipe, so of course I need my favorite niece's opinion."

"Sweet talker as always hahaha, of course auntie, I'd love to try that. What is it tho?"

"Hmmm you'll find out tomorrow, you'll be surprised!" Yoona said happily making Joohyun even more curious.

"Alright, I'll go there at your shop tomorrow!" Joohyunsaid and the call ended. 


It's the next day already and Joohyun is on her way to her aunt's shop.

"Hello." She greeted her aunt's employees and went straight to the main kitchen.

"Oh, Joohyun, you're here already, how are you dear?" Yoona welcomed ther and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm good hehe, gladly there's no trafficf so I arrived very fast."

"True, but this is what I was saying Hyun." Yoona said and pointed at the violet looking bread.

"What's that..?" Joohyun asked.

"Purple yam bread ahehe."

"What? It's cute!" Joohyun said making Yoona smile proudly.

"You should taste it! It's good."

Joohyun grabbed a piece  and tasted it.

"Cheese?" She said, her left eyebrow rising a bit.

"Yup! Yummy, right?"

"I totally dig this, auntie!" Joohyun said and ate some more.

"See, I knew you were going to like it. I'll pack 20 pcs for y'all, oh no, I'll do 30, your mom's a big eater." Yoona said, earning a big laugh from Joohyun.


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