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"Weirdly Seulgi isn't annoying you this time?"  Jen said to her cousin.

"That's even better, my life's in peace." Joohyun said shortly.

"She went to break up with Sunmi, that's why she isn't here." Lisa butted in, since she's going to bring Jennie home.

"Gosh, she's the only one still fooling around, isn't she? Go teach her some damn right ways." Joohyun said.

"Well pres, if you only knew how many times. Gladly now she woke up." Lisa said, startling a bit the two cousins.

"For real?"

"Yes babe, you'll be surprised. Maybe not now, but soon."

"She told me that long time ago, but she just got worse." Joohyun said and bid goodbye to the two lovers since her driver arrived.

"See you guys, take care."

"You too pres." Lisa said and waved her hand.

"Take care unnie! Love you." Jens said and hopped on Lisa's motorcycle.

"Let's go babe."


Bully - SeulRene [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now