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"Argh! I hate her so much, Jen! She's so annoying. If I really lose my temper, she might not be able to eat for two months, I swear." Joohyun said angrily to her cousin Jennie.

"Unnie, it's so obvious that Seulgi likes you, come on. With all of the students here in this school, why would she just pick you to annoy all day?" Jennie said.

"You might be kidding me, she always gets in a relationship with someone, one after another. Why would I be her crush? I'll crash her face instead." Joohyun said munching her food angrily.

"Well, you're right, point given. But, what if you're her crush?"

"Oh stop it Jen, it's very annoying." Joohyun said, and gladly the bell rang, and she could end this convo with her cousin about the person she hates the most. It was now time to get back in class.

"So, so how did this love and hate relationship of yours started?"

"Excuse me, it's hate and hate, what love, gosh." Joohyun said as she approached her locker.

"It's gonna be so funny if you two are going to end up together.  Admit it, she's quite handsome." Jennie said cheekily.

"Handsome? Handsome my ass. If you like her that much, go have a relationship with her, don't include me in those fantasies of yours."

"Aw come on, plus, I have my Lisa. Just tell me already how it started!"

"Ugh, later! Gosh, study first before this storytelling." Joohyun said and left her cousing at the locker room.


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