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It's the day, today. Prom night, where all 4th and 5th grade students come and enjoy the night.

"Seulgi, you ready?" Lisa asked, and checked if Seulgi put her neck tie right.

"There, now's better. We lookin' handsome, bro!" She said and hugged Seulgi.

"You talk too much, let's go to mama an Yej at the hospital." Seulgi said and they walked towards Lisa's car.


"Joo unnie, let's go!" Jennie and Rosé shouted they were so excited to go to the venue.
"Aren't your girlfriends going to pick you two up? Wait a minute jeez, I still didn't put my perfume yet!"

"Ugh, you won't need that, you're beautiful as always. Let's go pleaaaase."

"So they're not picking you up??"

"Noooo, we're going to see each other there, they're taking care of something, now let's go please?" Rosé insisted and Johyun couldn't do anything other than follow the two girls.


"Mom, Yej, how do I look?" Seulgi asked, fixing her tuxedo.

"My eldest is so handsome!" Mama Kang said smiling brightly and Moonbyul laughed a little.

"Right? Yej I look cool right?"

"Ugh, fine unnie, I'll let this slide." Yeji said and rolled her eyes.

"Aish, be thankful that I'm so handsome, ponytail." Seulgi said and Jisoo hit her head.

"Please be patient with your unnie, Yeji. It'll be just for today okay?"

"Alright y'all can go now kids! Don't drink too much or I'll kick you!" Mama Kang said and the kids kissed her cheeks before going out.

Once they got in the car, they looked at each other and smirked.

"We are back. Dickies, let's go!" Seulgi said and they all laughed dorkly .

Bully - SeulRene [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now