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It's now time for the slow dance, where the couples go to the dance floor and those without the partner get bitter in the corner.

"So, you don't have any plans at all to dance, princess?" Seulgi whispered, making Joohyun flinch.

"Fuck, you startled me, you know?"

"Oh my handsomeness? I know that already, princess." Seul said laughing and took a shot of Tequila.

"Tsk, annoying." Joohyun said and of course, she didn't want to look weak so she got a shot as well. She got a little dizzy since she wasn't a heavy drinker.

"If you don't want to dance, let's talk seriously, no picking on each other."

"Coming from you? Kinda unbelievable." Hyun said making Seulgi laugh. 

"I promise, let's go outside. If you want, I'll drop you off, this is coming to an end as well. Let's walk towards your house and talk about serious things."

"Fine." Joohyun said, getting her handbag.

The two bid goodbye to their friends that were on the dance floor.

"Seulgi take care of my cousin! I'll peel you alive if she gets a little scar okay?!" Jen said and everyone laughed.


"So... how have you been?" Seulgi said, looking at the starry night.

"Hm, honestly? It was good since no one was annoying me." Joohyun said earning Seulgi's look on her.

"I said no picking on each other."

"Whatever, but felt kinda peaceful."

"I see."

"What about you, why did you disappear?" Joohyun asked back.

"Straightforward eh? Well I think they said it already at school right? I had some family problems, so  I couldn't really go to school." Seulgi explained.

"How were them? Were they still the same or something changed?" Seulgi asked.

"Hm.. something changed. Your influence on them is hard, so their bond at school kinda lost." Joohyun said and git Seulgi a bit startled.


"They were blaming themselves for not being able to help."

"Jeez, those shitheads." Seulgi cursed, and looked again at Joohyun.

They stopped walking and Seulgi looked around.

"Oh, we arrived." She said and pointed at Joohyun's mansion.

"Oh.. right. Uhm.. thank you for dropping me off, Seulgi. See you?" Joohyun said and started to walked towards the main door. 

"You're welcome!" Seulgi shouted and looked at the girl's backside.

She was about to go when she suddenly saw Joohyun crying, walking away from her house.


Bully - SeulRene [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now