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It felt weird, not only having a normal conversation with her enemy, but something at home felt off.

Once Joohyun entered her house, she wasn't tipsy anymore, and she felt a little bit better. She was about to go upstairs when she heard a moan.

"What the.." Joohyun said, and went straight to the living room, where she heard that noise.

There she saw, her dad, with his secretary, kissing on the couch.

"What the fuck? Dad?" She said, shocked. She couldn't believe it. All this time, her dad was fooling them.

"J-Joohyun? Fuck. Hyun, let me explain--"

"You don't need to explain anything, I'm so done." She said and eent straight outside.

She was crying, her family's now so fucked up.

Once she stepped outside, she took a deep breath, and looked towards the gate, and saw that Seulgi was still there.

She felt something, it told her that Seulgi was going to understand her, so she ran towards Seul, and cried on her shoulder.

"W-What's wrong, Joohyun? Why are you crying? You'll be ugly, come on, stop crying." Seulgi said, trying to calm Joohyun down.

"Fuck, I'm so angry, frustrated. Fuck, Seulgi." She said while crying, with so much anger buiding up.

"Whatever happened, I'm here okay? If you want, we can stay at my place. I think you don't really want to stay here." Seul suggested.

"Can I?"

"Yes, for today. Come on, let's go." She said and gladly the taxi arrived.


Bully - SeulRene [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now