Chapter 18

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It was a busier day than usual in the salon. We were crowded but it was still a good time. Everyone was getting along and talking with the exception of Monie and Desiree. She had been awfully quiet ever since Lynette threatened her job. If another stylists complained about her or if she did any other funny business she was going to be fired.

I had just got done sweeping my station and was now waiting on my next client. I was straightening my wig and reapplying my lip gloss when I heard the door open.

I looked up and saw Denise from the game night. I looked at Risse who was braiding this client's hair and we both looked confused.

"Hi welcome to Lynette's Beauty Bar do you have an appointment?" asked Halle.

"No I was wondering if Summer was available? I would like for her to do my hair," said Denise.

"Um she has a client in an hour. Do you know what you want done?" asked Halle.

"I just want a couple of curls in hair nothing too major," said Denise.

Halle looked back at me and I nodded letting her know it was okay.

"I can take your other client Summer since you're busy," said Desiree.

I rolled my eyes, "Nah it's good, you don't have too," I responded back.

Denise sat in the chair as I prepared my equipment. I could do a quick curl before my client came in.

"So you and Ghost are together right?" She asked.

"I don't think that's any of your business," I responded back.

"Relax.. I think we got started on the wrong foot. But I do want to warn you about him and his history with women. He and I use to do business together and after awhile we fell in love and started messing around with eachother. We were together for 3 years until I found out he was cheating on me with some girl named Tia. I still messed with him behind her back because that was my man first. I just want you to know that he will mess with you, get you to fall in love with him and than drop you. He hates commitment and he isn't reliable at all. I met him while we were working together and see how I ended up. Just be careful, you're a pretty girl and you seem smart. Welp look at the time I have to get going, here's $50 keep it," she said as she got up.

I didn't even have a chance to respond to what she said.

"Bye Monie and Desiree I'll see y'all later for dinner and tell Lynette I like this establishment," she said to them as she walked out.

Risse looked over at me I guess to see what she had said, but I wasn't trying to go there. I wasn't going to let her words get to me but in all honesty it did rub me the wrong way. I would have to have a conversation with Ghost and hope that he would be fully honest with me.

I did my client's hair and once I was done I cleaned my station and waited for Ghost to pick me up for my therapy appointment.

I got a text that he was outside I quickly grabbed my things and said by to the other stylists.

"Wassup with you?" He asked when I sat down.

"Nothing. I'm just anxious about this being my last appointment," I said.

"Nah something else is bothering you. What is it?" He asked as he turned into traffic.

"I don't want to talk about it right now," I said as I turned and looked out the window.

We drove in silence and soon we made it to the office. I jumped out and checked in before Ghost walked through the door and sat next to me. I couldn't stop replaying Denise's words and I was mad that I was letting her get to me.

Ghost didn't talk to me instead he was on his phone texting some people. Twenty minutes later my therapist came outside and called me back. I followed her to the back and to her office. She was a older black women who didn't look a day over 40 even though she was 65.

"Hey Summer. How are you feeling today?" she asked.

"I'm feeling good just sad that this is my last appointment. My moods have been better and I haven't had any nightmares in a long time so that's good. I also stopped taking my medicine a while back and I've been feeling a lot better," I said.

"That's so good and I'm happy for you. I noticed these last few appointments you have been glowing. Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

I smiled as I thought about Ghost.

"Yeah me and the guy that I've been staying with it started messing around a while back. It hasn't been for that long but he makes me feel safe and happy. He was the one that saved my life when I tried to commit suicide. He has helped me with the grieving process for my brother while being supportive. I don't trust nobody like that especially men but he's different," I said.

"I'm sensing some doubt, what is that about?" She asked.

"One of his ex girlfriends has recently came back into the picture and we got into it. She came by my job today and basically said that he was using me until he found someone better. I don't know it made me think of my ex boyfriend, and how he used me as his side chick. I didn't know he was married or anything since he had told me he was getting a divorce. I don't trust men I just use them and keep it pushing. Ghost is different and I really care for him but what she said did bother me," I said.

"Well I say have a conversation with him. Just because he was one way with her doesn't mean he will be that way with you. People evolve and change and he hasn't given you any reason not to trust him. He has been open with you so talk to him today and tell him how you feel," she said.

I smiled because she was right. We continued with the rest of the session before she gave me my termination papers. I walked out and saw Ghost slumped in the chair asleep. I walked up to him and gently shook him.

"You finished?" he asked as he stood and stretched.

I nodded as he took my hand and we walked out. He opened my door and waited for me to get situated before closing the door. We drove in silence and stopped to get food before making it home.

After eating our food we both went upstairs and got ready for bed. I was wrapping my hair in flexi rods and placing my bonnet on my head when Ghost walked into the bathroom.

"We need to talk," he said as I turned to face him. He picked me up and sat me on the counter as he stood between my legs.

"What's up with you and be real?" He asked as he looked deep in my eyes.

"Denise came to the shop today and she had a lot to say about you. She told me how y'all dated and how you don't like commitment. She talked about how you messed with her while you were with Tia. She basically said you're only using me and you mess with every girl you work with," I said looking down.

He grabbed my chin and turned me to look at him.

"I don't mess with every female that I work with. I don't like commitment because none of these other women ever cared about me. They only wanted me because of my status in the streets. Yes I messed with Denise but I haven't touched her since we started talking or even before that. I've only messed with Tia when she came up here but that's it. I only want you and I only care about you. We have to be open with eachother when stuff bothers us and not keep stuff bottled inside," he said.

I nodded as I began messing with his locs.

"I'm sorry baby she just got to me but I promise to be more honest and open," I said.

"I want to take you out this weekend. It will be a surprise but I've been planning it for a while, and I would like to treat you," he said.

"I would like that. What should I wear?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it I have it all planned out. Just don't make plans for Saturday," he said.

"Okay daddy," I said as I leaned in and kissed him.

He kissed me back deepening the kiss as he grabbed my neck. I moaned out as he picked me up and led me to the room.l

Another filler chapter, what do y'all think of Denise?

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