Chapter 22

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Even though Ghost had reassured me that I shouldn't feel bad about the dinner last night...I still did. To make matters worst I had work today and I wasn't looking forward to facing Lynette or Risse.

I quickly showered and got dressed. I was fixing my hair and make up when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me.

"Why are you still bugging about yesterday... everything is going to be cool."

I looked at his reflection through the mirror as I let out a deep sigh. "I'm not bugging.. I just don't want it to be awkward at work. I still feel a little guilty."

"It's not your fault. I already told you that Redd is entitled and selfish. He caused the mess yesterday not you. My family will be okay, this was an issue before you even came into the picture. So promise me you'll relax okay," said Ghost.

A wave of relief washed over me as I leaned back into him. He knew how to keep me calm and I was really appreciative of him.

"Okay...thanks baby for reassuring me."

"No problem," he said as he kissed me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he lifted me and placed me on the counter. He deepened the kiss as his hands slid down my body and rested on top of my butt. I laughed as he kissed my neck.

"Malik stoppp. I'm going to be late,"

He stopped as he looked me in the eyes.

"Your ass is mine tonight," he said in a low voice before kissing me again.

"I look forward to it daddy," I said as I hopped off the counter. He slapped my butt as he walked out and soon we were on our way to the salon.

"Remember don't let anyone get you out of character and have a good day. Text me when you are going on your lunch break," said Ghost as I walked out.

"Okay.. see ya later baby," I said as I kissed him and walked out.

The salon wasn't too busy when I walked in which I was happy about. Risse wasn't at her station and I was relieved. Quay stood on the other side of me and she was working on her client's hair.

"Hey boo! Lynette wants you to meet her in her office," said Quay.

I sighed as I placed my stuff down, and made my way towards Lynette's office. I knocked before entering.

"Hey Summer, you can close the door it won't be long," she said as she finished typing on her computer.

I did as she said and took a seat in front of her. Her office was huge and was decorated in black and white decor. It looked expensive and it fit her well.

"So I wanted to talk to you about last night and just clear the air," she said.

I snapped out of observing her office and focused on her. Even though she was forty-three Lynette didn't look a day over thirty. She had smooth dark skin that was free from wrinkles and a toned curvaceous body. She sported a short pixie cut and had the prettiest almond eyes and full plump lips. She also had a kind heart and dope personality to match. I could see why Uncle Mo stayed married to her for so long. She really was a down ass chick and she reminded me a lot of my mom.

"About that..."

"No let me finish. Now I know I haven't known you that long but in my eyes your family. Malik really cares for you and we care for you also. I just wanted to apologize for Roderick's  (Redd's real name) behavior. It was completely uncalled for and I will handle both him and Moni. But please don't think we look at you any different and don't hesitate to ask or reach out if you ever need anything. I know I'm your boss and all but I'm really here for you," she said.

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