Chapter 21

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It's been a week since I asked Dutchess to be my girl and I couldn't lie a nigga was floating on clouds. It felt good to finally find someone who completed me. We were chilling in the house but I had another place I wanted to take her.

"Babe get ready.. there is somewhere that I wanted to take you," I said to her.

"Okay where are we going?" she asked.

"It's a surprise but we are going to stop at my uncle's house afterwards," I said.

"Okay I'll dress in casual clothes. Let me go get ready," she said.

I was already dressed so I chilled in the living room til she was ready.

An hour later we were making our way out of the house and to the car.

We first made a stop at the floral shop before  pulling into the cemetery.

I looked at Dutchess as she grabbed the flowers from the back she was quiet as we made our way to my mom's tombstone

Malicia Shondra King
Mom, sister, aunty, friend

I knelt down and placed the flowers in the vase next to her tombstone and filled the vase with some water. Dutchess stood behind me as I looked at my mom's grave. A couple of tears fell out of my eyes as I began to speak.

"Wassup momma it's me Malik. I know it's been a while but I've been busy getting my life together. Everyone is doing good and Mo said he was going to stop by and see you along with Lynette. We all miss you here but we know you're in heaven living it up. I brought someone special here with me, her name is Melanie and she's my girl. She reminds me a lot of you ma, and I wanted her to meet the most important woman in my life. I love you so much but I know you're watching over me," I said as I sat by her grave. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I felt Dutchess touch my shoulder.

I felt a cool breeze around me and I knew my mom was there next to me. I felt at peace knowing she was with me at that moment.

"I umm wish I got the chance to meet you because from what everyone tells me you were an amazing person. I really like your son and he means a lot to me. I promise to watch over him," whispered Dutchess.

We stayed there for a couple of more minutes before we got up and made our way back to the car. We sat in silence before I felt her grab my hand.

"You know you can cry in front of me, it doesn't make you weak," she said as she kissed my hand.

"I don't really want to cry but it's a fucked up situation. I miss her a lot but I wanted you to meet her. She was the most important woman in my life and now I have you so it's only right that I brought you here," I said looking at her.

She grabbed my face before kissing me gently. I deepened the kiss and she pulled back before anything could get started.

"You mean a lot to me and I'm happy  you brought me here,"she said.

I smiled at her before putting the key in the ignition and making my way towards my uncle's house.

We finally made it and after parking the car we walked towards the door. I knocked on the door and shortly after Risse opened it. We hugged before walking further in and towards the dining area. We washed are hands before taking a seat.

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