Chapter 3

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"Girl that guy was fine as hell at the club last night," Coco said to me as we drove down the street.

I rolled my eyes ever since last night she keeps talking about how fine Ghost is....I mean he looked good but he wasn't all that.

"Whatever what about Javon your man," I said looking over at her.

She smiled and looked away. Javon was another guy we went to high school with and he was a stand up guy. He was a partner at this huge law firm and he made a lot of money. They recently started dating and I was happy for my girl she deserved it.

"Okay but we aren't talking bout my man, we are talking about that fine ass man from last night. Plus he seemed interested in your mean ass" she said.

I rolled my eyes there was no way I would date or talk to him. I didn't do relationships and besides Tariq was enough for me at the moment.

"I don't care because I'm not interested," I said as we turned on the street headed towards our location.

I pulled into the driveway of the house as we both got out and knocked on the door three times.

Zero our security guard opened the door and let us in as we made our way to the living room.

"Melly Mel!" yelled Nasir as he walked up to give me a hug.

I relaxed in my big brothers arms as we hugged.

"Nas the Greatest," I responded back as we did our secret handshake.

I went around and gave the other guys hugs. They were our top workers and had become somewhat like family to us. I frowned a little when I noticed Ghost there, something about him didn't really sit well with me. Plus I hated how trusting Nas was of him.

Coco went into the kitchen area and grabbed some snacks before sitting at the table.

"You can't speak Courtney," Nas said calling her by her full name.

"Nasir hey," she said back as she rolled her eyes and went back to eating her snacks.

They slick had a thing but it ended as soon as Nas cheated on her with some random hood rat.

"So y'all I got some good news," said Nas. We all looked at him waiting for him to continue.

I looked over at Ghost who was looking at Nas, I mean he was fine no denying that but something about him didn't sit well with me. I just couldn't figure out what.

"The deal went through and we made over $500 mills, this is the largest deal we've ever done and it was successful." He said

A huge smile crossed my face as I jumped up and hugged Nas. This was huge for us we had a multi million dollar deal we were doing with the Dominicans and it had taken a long time for us to make it work and it finally did.

"This is amazing and now we have to celebrate," I said looking around at our team.

"I forgot to mention business has been booming, the clubs and salons have been bringing in a lot of revenue," said CoCo.

I couldn't help but smile, we worked so hard and everything was coming into fruition.

"I say we celebrate at Legacy tonight," said Santana.

"Shit I'm down," I said as everyone nodded.

We finished making plans to meet up tonight. Afterwards everyone left except Ghost, Nas, and Coco.

It was strange having him around and I wasn't all for having him on the team. Something about him was just really off to me. Nas was always trusting of folks but me not so much.

We chilled for a little before going home to get ready for the party.


I walked into Legacy with Coco by my side. We navigated through the sea of thirsty men until we made it to our section. I wore a skin tight red latex dress with nude Loubitons  heels and CoCo wore a gold backless dress with black YSL heels. We made it to our section that overlooked the dance floor and greeted everyone there.

I rolled my eyes at Jordan and Ghost.

"Dutchess you can't say hi to your brother," said Jordan as I walked by him to sit down.

"You aren't my brother, I don't associate with grimy niggas," I said to him.

He mumbled something under his breathe before turning back to the dance floor.

Coco and I ordered our drinks and after a couple of shots we were on the dance floor turning up. The DJ was playing She's A Winner by Trouble, and Coco and I began shaking our ass to the song.

We danced to a couple more songs before going back to the section.

"I wanna make a toast, to more success and more money but most importantly to family. We built this business from the ground up, and now are hard work is paying off. To family," said Nasir as he lifted his glass.

"To family," we all said as we clanked our glasses together.

I had just took a sip of my drink when I began to hear screaming coming from one side of the club.

I looked up and saw four masked men coming towards us shooting their guns.

Everything was happening so fast I looked and saw Jordan had disappeared, our team was shooting back but our guns were nothing compared to there's.

I screamed when I noticed Nasir on the ground he had nine bullet wounds through his chest and stomach.

I opened my mouth but no sounds would come out. I tried slapping his face....hitting his body.. anything to get him to wake up and he wasn't moving.

"Someone help please my brother is dead, please help me," I screamed.

No one heard me everyone was busy getting out.

I began looking for CoCo and noticed one of the club security guards carrying her outside. She was fighting him trying to get back towards our section. I could hear her screaming my name but I couldn't  respond back. My whole body was in shock as I sat next to my brother who was dead.

"Nasir you promised to never leave me, you said you would always have my back. Please don't go you're all I have please wake up. God please don't take him from me," I cried as my tears hit his lifeless body.

I felt a presence behind me but before I could move someone placed a cloth over my mouth, and before I knew it everything around me turned black.

I changed Melanie's character as well as Jordan's it's in the updated Character list.

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