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Three Months Later....


I looked myself over in the mirror as I got ready for work. I had decided to stay in Tennessee instead of moving back to Atlanta. Even though my family lived in Atlanta, Tennessee had given me an opportunity that I wasn't given back home. I had created a new life for myself and I was proud of it.

I grabbed my wallet from my dresser as I made my way downstairs. Risse was picking up for work and I was excited to head back to the salon. I had taken a break from everything and Lynette was cool with it since she knew my situation. I also decided to go back to my therapist. I needed someone who I could talk to and process everything that I had currently experienced.

I heard my phone ding and saw that Risse was outside. I grabbed my stuff and rushed out the door. Our conversation was light as we made our way to the salon. I walked in and smiled at Halle before clocking in.

"I see you decided to come back, we missed you Summer," said Halle.

"I missed y'all too,"

I had decided to reveal my real name to the girls in the salon who I had built a close connection with. Most of them still insisted on calling me Summer since that's how they met me which I was okay with.

I made it to my station and began sanitizing my equipment. Quay stood next to me and Shelly was on my other side. Rolesia was across from me next to Risse while Moni and Desiree stood in the back.

We began talking while working on our clients' hairs.  The conversation centered around cheating, new music, and the men in our lives. Suprisingly Moni and Desiree stayed out the conversation. Ever since my fight with Denise both of them have been quiet in the salon. I think it had a lot to do with her sudden disappearance, and the fact that no one was really messing with them like that.

The day went by smoothly and afterwards Risse dropped me off. She was coming back since we were having girls night with Amber. I quickly fed Queen her food before walking upstairs to take a shower. I changed into some comfortable house clothes just as the doorbell rang.

I quickly opened it and saw Amber and Risse. They had wine plus pizza and wings for our girls night. We were going to catch up on our favorite shows and movies and chill for the night.

"Hey love it's good to see you," said Amber as she placed the food on the counter.

"It's good to see y'all,"

"Chile I know your ass been busy since your whole ordeal a couple of months ago," said Amber as we grabbed plates and dished out the food.

"Girl it's been a lot but I spoke to my brother and parents earlier this week. I also talked to Coco she told me to tell y'all hi,"

"It's really a small world. Who would of thought that you and my baby cousin would be best friends," said Amber.

That was another pleasant surprise. A month after I left Atlanta Coco came and spent some time with me. I introduced her to Risse and Amber and was shocked to find out they were cousins. Risse and her instantly clicked and I was glad that the closest girls to me were all cool with eachother.

"It really is I wish she would move up here so we could all hang out together," said Risse.

"Same but Coco loves Atlanta plus we still have our businesses," I said.

We continued eating and talking while we enjoyed the rest of the night. I was happy about all the changes that had took place in my life and the growth that I had. Dutchess would always be apart of me and that would never change but I was happy to finally be living my life.



I was chilling at LB's place since Melanie was having a girls night. I didn't mind cause I needed to catch up with my cousin. I still hadn't spoke to Redd since the whole dinner and I wasn't planning on it. He was mad disrespectful to my girl and I, so until we both got an apology I was cool on him.

Mel and I both decided to retire from the game once we got back to Tennessee. We decided to permanently move to Tennessee which was more her choice than mine. She claimed she started a new life here and she wanted to continue on that journey. Whatever made her happy I was fine with.

I hadn't heard or seen Denise since we got back and I was happy about that. I heard she had moved away and no one had seen or talked to her. I was just glad her messy ass out of my life. If she ever did resurface I definitely had some questions for her. I knew she had a role to play in everything that went down. For her sake I hoped she stayed hidden.

I still kept in contact with my Atlanta connects such as Rico and Nas and his team. Kane called to check on me from time to time as well. I was happy Melanie was building a bond with her parents. They were cool people and her dad approved of our relationship.

I stayed at LB's for awhile before deciding to make my way back home. Risse and Amber were long gone and I noticed Melanie asleep on the couch. I gently picked her up and carried her upstairs to the room.
I gently laid her on the bed and stepped away from her. After completing my night time routine I got in the bed and snuggled next to her.

I was excited to see where life would take us.

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