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I have been running away from them, ever since I have found out about my powers. I have been trying to hide from the people, wanting to kill me. The whole world has turned against me, as if I am going to destroy everything and everyone, they hold dear. Still, I have no clue, why they hate me so much.

I don't know where to go, what to say or how to survive anymore. Everyone around me, just wants to see me bleed. They have tried killing me for couple of times, yet every time I have managed to escape. I have come with the terms that there is no such place as safe haven. You can trust no one, when society turns its back on you.

"Stop where you are and show your hands!" A man shouts and I stop, obeying to every single word he had said. Slowly, I start putting my hands up in the air, in hopes to live another minute. As I turn around, I see an old man with gray hair, snow-white beard and icy blue eyes. His eyes are even colder than winter nights, just looking inside of them, makes me shiver in fear.

"What's your name?" Another man, next to him asks me in chilling tone. He is wearing the same clothes as all Defenders do. Black combat trousers, boots, black vest with low-cut hair.

"Le...Levi Matthews." I mutter to myself and start trembling even furiously. This is too much for ten years old child to take, or at least, I believe so.

I close my eyes tightly and wait for pain to come. I have seen it from the shadows before. They ask names and then, they shoot them, making them lose consciousness, to drag them in one of the bases or straight to the prison. They do it all the time. They catch us, crucify us, send us to prison to rot in there, till we die. Society hates us, even my parents wanted to get rid of me as soon as I started showing my powers. I was happy at first, thinking that I was one of the talented ones, showing their powers at the early age. I didn't know that my powers, would turn out to be curse for me.

But the pain never came. I slowly and fearfully open my eyes, only to see lifeless bodies lying around me. I feel people around me, watching me closely and waiting for some kind of reaction from me, which never comes.

"Levi...Matthews." The pronunciation of my name cuts deep into the thick silence, making me jump in fear. "You are going to live."


As soon as I open my eyes, I know that something is wrong. I scan my room until I spot my teddy bear, lying at the far corner of my bed. I grab it immediately and hug it tightly. Despite knowing that it is only a toy, it gives me the feeling of safety, blanketing me inside the same feeling.

"Cassie?" Mom opens the door with terrified look on her face. She runs inside and hugs me tightly, rocking me carefully back and forth. "Are you okay, honey?" She asks me in a low voice and wipes a tear from my cheek.

"Yeah." I whisper in a low voice and look down in shame, still holding the bear against my chest.

"Was it nightmares again, sweetie?" She asks me in much kinder and calmer voice, stroking my hair as I nod. She smiles and hugs me one more time. As long as I remember, I have been dreaming about nightmares. No matter what I tried, they kept chasing me down.

"Cassie, you need to realize that they are not real." She whispers inside my ear, but I can sense doubt in her voice. She squeezes my hand softly and smiles. "My sweet child, fear and darkness are gone. Nothing can harm you, now." She whispers as she plants a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Mommy." I shake my head and lean back to have a better look at her face. "Darkness never disappears. As without dark, there will be no light. " I whisper, scared that someone might hear me. "It is always here, waiting until we sleep and relax to attack." I whisper with more tears streaming down my face. She looks down at me worriedly and starts wiping them away for me.

"But Cassie, they disappeared." She whispers and explains it in a low voice with worried smile plastered on her face. "Darkness and fear disappeared long ago, honey." She kisses me on the forehead once more, before laying me in bed. She leaves the room, but leaves the door open in case something happens.

Do not believe her, Cassie. Darkness and fear are our part. They can't disappear, as they are always inside of us. They are waiting Cassie, and when they attack, they will know that it is their time to come.

Elements : Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now