Chapter Nine

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Blood. Everything is covered with red substance, I have come in term with. The ground is ashy and ruined, with no living organism left in here. I can feel oxygen slowly being pulled away, wasted into the wasteland.

I look around, scared and lost. The sky is orange, ominous orange with droplets of blood falling down. The place is serene with no sound heard at all. As if, everything has been frozen.

"You came back." The same woman whispers. I turn around only to see Selene. The ends of her white hair is colored with blood. Her once bright eyes are now dull white. Her rose lips are cracked up, lifeless.

"What happened to you?" I whisper and try to approach her, but she takes a step back. She shakes her head and smiles gently at me.

"Sweet child of mine." She whispers in low, caring voice. "Soon, you will be exposed to the whole world... They will come after you... They will want you and powers inside of you." She whispers with sad, bitter tone and looks away from me, around the place, we are in. "You deserve so much more, than this world can offer." She whispers and takes a step forward, gently touching my face. "Live my child... Live and prove that you are much more than they take you for." She mutters and tears start escaping her eyes. "Save them, my child. They deserve to live in the cruel world, others have created." She whispers once again and starts disappearing, throwing me back into the darkness.

When I wake up, I feel someone next to me shifting uncomfortably. I slowly turn around, only to come face to face with Luke. He has his hands around me, as if guarding me from something. His eyes are opened, watching my closely. His lips are into the thin, stern look, never upturning into the smirking smile, he always has.

"Are you okay?" He asks me even before I manage to start shouting about him being too near. His question takes me back, forgetting that I had to fight altogether.

"Um, yeah." I whisper a bit confused, feeling nothing wrong with me. "Why asking?" I whisper as another blast of wind collapses with the window glass. "Is it always that windy here?"

"No." He whispers in a low voice and puts blankets even tighter around me. "It has never been that windy before, Cassie." He adds in mysterious voice and sighs. "You were tossing and turning and whimpering in your sleep. Sure that you are okay?" He asks me and smiles down at me.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare." I whisper and master a small smile on my lips.

"What was it about?" Luke asks me and  puts his head on his hand, looking at me attentively.

"I'd rather not say." I whisper in a low voice and lay down on my back, staring up at the ceiling. "I really don't like talking about them. Anyways, they have always been here and they mean nothing. So, I prefer pretending that they never happened."

"Cassie... You have to know one main rule." Luke whispers and pushes my locks away from the face. "In this world, dreams like that don't happen for nothing. You have to pay close attention to your dreams. They always mean something." He whispers and turns around. "You don't have to talk about them, if you don't want to... But don't underestimate them." He whispers and closes his eyes.


The first thing, I feel before I open my eyes is something hard against my back. When I open my eyes I see that instead of hard floor, I am laying in my fluffy bed. I try to move, but the strong grip of someone's muscular, tanned body is holding me down. I slowly and carefully turn around, not to wake up whoever is lying beside me. His face is calmer than before. He has small smile resting on his lips and he looks cute when he is sleeping.

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